Saturday, July 7, 2012

Assad To Erdogan: Know Your Role And Mind Your Own Business

Assad To Erdogan: Know Your Role And Mind Your Own Business

 Assad to Erdogan: Know Your Role And Mind Your Own Business.

In a recent interview with the Turkish newspaper, Cumhuriyet, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan overstepped his boundaries and as a result has lost all credibility.

"Let Erdogan concern himself with his internal affairs and not with others’ in order to preserve what remains of the zero-problem policy that can be implemented," said Assad.

When asked about the nature and growth of the violence in Syria, Assad pointed to several foreign factors: influx of advanced weapons, financial support from abroad for Islamist terrorists, and the rise of armed criminal gangs. He added that the reality of foreign support for extremists has changed the thinking of the Syrian people and the peaceful elements of the opposition. Assad:
"This has actually changed the convictions of many people inside Syria, both among the opposition and the supporters of the government. The Syrians are defending their country now. The revolution cannot be a revolution of gangs. It should be a revolution of the people; and no one can suppress the revolution of the people."
Assad gave a brief history of the crisis, beginning with the anti-government demonstrations last year up till now:
"The plot against Syria went through three stages. In the first stage, there were demonstrations, and a large part of these demonstrations was paid for. At the beginning of the crisis, a demonstrator used to be paid ten dollars. Now, they are paid fifty or a hundred dollars depending on the region. But they expected that a real revolution could come out of these demonstrations, peaceful demonstrations like those which happened in Egypt and Tunisia. Until last Ramadan, they failed in that stage. After that, they started to plan for creating certain regions in Syria dominated completely by armed gangs, like what happened in Benghazi in Libya. The army fought this attempt which lasted until last March, when they failed in the second stage. Then they shifted focus to individual assassinations, committing massacres against civilians, in addition to attacking state institutions with explosive devices. In other words, it would be naive to say that those demonstrations were peaceful. They were not exactly like that. At any rate, demonstrations still happen from time to time but in smaller numbers, and mostly they are paid for."
I don't know what kind of impact Assad's interview has had on Turkish public opinion. I've seen polls that show the majority of the Turkish people are against a war with Syria and want current hostilities to cease.

Referencing Assad's interview with Cumhuriyet, the writer "b" of Moon of Alabama says: "This, and the sorry state of the opposition, will increase the pressure on Erdogan to change course and to stop the support of the opposition."

In the last part of the interview, Assad emphasized the importance of defending moral and ethical principles, saying:
"As long as we have rights, as long as we have dignity and as long as we are patriots, these sanctions will never change our positions no matter how powerful they are. The question is not that of selling our principles for money, food or foreign aid. Otherwise, we should justify the position of everyone who sold his honor for money. This is absolutely unacceptable for us in Syria from the perspective of principles and moral values."
Compare Assad's nobility with the savagery of Hillary Clinton, who has the nerve to accuse Russia and China of lacking humanitarian feelings. Clinton said they must "pay a price" for not backing the West against Syria.

Hillary Clinton does not represent America nor the West. She speaks for the criminal 0.01 percent that has taken the American people hostage. Her opinion has no value. Clinton and Obama should not be listened to by anybody. They are outlaws. The world must ignore these liars and war criminals.

America and her client states are causing chaos in Syria, so why is this silly person trying to shame Russia and China into resolving the crisis to the benefit of America's interests? Does Clinton not realize that the United States government is the shameless one in this crisis? The U.S. government issupporting savages who throw people out of windows like animals and deny them dignified deaths.

Clinton, Obama, and the evil U.S. government should say sorry to theirvictims, and stop their terrorism campaigns against the people of the Middle East.

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