MONDAY, MAY 28, 2012
The reportedly gay Michael Rockefeller, who died mysteriously during an expedition to New Guinea.
9 11 suggests incompetence.
The secret rulers of the world carried out an operation that was quickly revealed to be a false flag event.
aangirfan: 9 11 WHISTLEBLOWERS
JFK (right) died in mysterious cicumstances.
The secret rulers of the world appear to be corrupt.
Official Iraq report: Pentagon corruption

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The American Empire seems to be like the Roman Empire, run by corrupt incompetents.
The secret rulers of the world appear to be corrupt.
Official Iraq report: Pentagon corruption
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The American Empire seems to be like the Roman Empire, run by corrupt incompetents.
JPMorgan's Loss Ranks Among Biggest Bank Trading Debacles ...
The following was written, in Roman times, about the Roman Empire.
‘There has been: 1. a gradual weakening of civil liberties, 2. an increase in the power of the army, 3. and an acceptance of corruption among public servants. 4. Vast fortunes have been made by a small group who use their wealth to control the Senate.’

The American Empire is not doing too brilliantly financially.
The US government is borrowing 40 cents for every dollar that it spends.
China is now the largest trading partner for Australia, India, Japan, South Korea....
According to Citibank, Indonesia's economy will be the fourth largest in the world by 2040.
Bohemian Grove.
We should not assume that the secret rulers of the world are any less mad than certain Roman emperors.
The bad guys are bound by numbers.
President Kennedy "was killed according to the occult number signature of eleven."
He was killed in the 11th month, on the 22nd day, and on the 33rd parallel.
World War One was ended at the 11th hour on the 11th day the 11th Month.
The secret rulers of the world do crazy things. (Evidence of the illuminati)
"In 1969 the US department of defense requested 10 million dollars to develop 'synthetic biological agents to promote germ warfare'. These new laboratory creations were functionally and descriptively identical to AIDs and HIV.
"This was 15 years before the discovery of aids by Dr Robert Gallo, who oversaw Litton bionetics, a biological weapons contractor for the U.S...
"According to congressional records ( and his biographer) Kissenger selected the option presented by Admiral Sunwalt (the Navy commander) to develop aids like an ebola type virus bioweapon and the contract went to his white house colleagues company, Litton Bionetics.
"There is no doubt that Dr Gallo officiated these aids viruses, including luekaemia, limfoma and sarcoma viruses from various species of animals.This is 15 years before he was credited by the department of health and human services for having discovered the cause of aids. AIDs was first discovered in 1978 in black africans and gay new yorkers, precisely the populations that recieved the first hepatitus B vaccines produced in Littons chimpanzees just 4 years earlier."

MI5 are said to be part of the secret cabal that rules the world.
Let us look at MI5's Maxwell Knight, the model for James Bond's boss M, who served as Director of Intelligence of the British Fascists from 1924 to 1927.
1. Maxwell-Knight became Deputy Chief of Staff of the British Fascists before being recruited by MI5 in 1931.
(State Secrets, Tyler Kent, Winston Churchill, Roosevelt, President ... ,Domville, Knight, Mosley, Blunt ... ,, )
2. Maxwell-Knight was a friend of Aleister Crowley.
From: 'One Girl's War, personal exploits in MI5's most secret section' by Joan Miller (1986) ( we learn about Charles Henry Maxwell-Knight, formerly head of Britain's MI5 spy agency.
"His first wife Gladys, I learnt, died in the Overseas Club after some sort of occult misadventure in which the notorious Aleister Crowley was involved - certainly I'd never been willing to enquire too deeply into that incident.
"Black magic was not a subject that held any attraction for me. I accepted M's interest in it, hoping it was purely academic, but, for myself, I preferred to leave it well and truly alone: M understood this.
"When I tore up a photograph of Aleister Crowley which he had kept, as I believed it to be unlucky, he only laughed."
(Black magic, spies and child abuse)
Crowley worked for MI5. (The Great Beast)
Crowley has been described as a heroin-addicted Satan worshiper.
In the doctrine of Aleister Crowley from 'MAGICK in Theory and Practice, Crowley wrote:
"The bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best.
"The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle, or the Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot escape... For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim." (Aliester Crowley--33 degree Mason Who Knew about Human Sacrifice)
3. Jeff Wells quotes the following:
"There is an international cult that believes that the path to illumination and spiritual liberation is through the rape, torture and sacrifice of children. The cult is highly organised and protected by a network of middle- and upper-class professionals, who are either cult members, or access the 'services' of the cult (eg child porn/prostitution, rendering them vulnerable to blackmail).
"The cult is modelled on Crowley's writings, as is evidenced by the internal pseudo-Masonic 'degree' structure, the existence of OTO-like 'chapters', and the doctrine of 'strength', 'master/slave' and ritualised rape."

MI5 are said to be part of the secret cabal that rules the world.
Let us look at MI5's Maxwell Knight, the model for James Bond's boss M, who served as Director of Intelligence of the British Fascists from 1924 to 1927.
1. Maxwell-Knight became Deputy Chief of Staff of the British Fascists before being recruited by MI5 in 1931.
(State Secrets, Tyler Kent, Winston Churchill, Roosevelt, President ... ,Domville, Knight, Mosley, Blunt ... ,, )
2. Maxwell-Knight was a friend of Aleister Crowley.
From: 'One Girl's War, personal exploits in MI5's most secret section' by Joan Miller (1986) ( we learn about Charles Henry Maxwell-Knight, formerly head of Britain's MI5 spy agency.
"His first wife Gladys, I learnt, died in the Overseas Club after some sort of occult misadventure in which the notorious Aleister Crowley was involved - certainly I'd never been willing to enquire too deeply into that incident.
"Black magic was not a subject that held any attraction for me. I accepted M's interest in it, hoping it was purely academic, but, for myself, I preferred to leave it well and truly alone: M understood this.
"When I tore up a photograph of Aleister Crowley which he had kept, as I believed it to be unlucky, he only laughed."
(Black magic, spies and child abuse)
Crowley worked for MI5. (The Great Beast)
Crowley has been described as a heroin-addicted Satan worshiper.

In the doctrine of Aleister Crowley from 'MAGICK in Theory and Practice, Crowley wrote:
"The bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best.
"The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle, or the Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot escape... For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim." (Aliester Crowley--33 degree Mason Who Knew about Human Sacrifice)
3. Jeff Wells quotes the following:
"There is an international cult that believes that the path to illumination and spiritual liberation is through the rape, torture and sacrifice of children. The cult is highly organised and protected by a network of middle- and upper-class professionals, who are either cult members, or access the 'services' of the cult (eg child porn/prostitution, rendering them vulnerable to blackmail).
"The cult is modelled on Crowley's writings, as is evidenced by the internal pseudo-Masonic 'degree' structure, the existence of OTO-like 'chapters', and the doctrine of 'strength', 'master/slave' and ritualised rape."

Aangirfan believes that 9 11 was carried out by people within the governments and institutions of many countries, including the USA, UK, other countries in Europe, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel.
We call the bad guys Mafia-Fascists.

Porter Goss, former boss of the CIA
From an article entitled Robert Gates, Lockerbie, October Surprise, Iran-Contra, we learn that Mohamed Atta was 'flying Lebanese heroin into Florida for Porter Goss's 911 operation'.
Reportedly, tied to Porter Goss' 911 training operation in Florida were the Muslim Brotherhood, and agents of the intelligence agencies of Saudi Arabia, Germany, Syria and Pakistan. (LOCKERBIE AND THE FINANCING OF 9 11)
Reportedly, Sam Giancana rigged the US presidential election for President Kennedy. Reportedly, Giancana had links to 7 US Presidents. According to Giancana, both presidents Roosevelt and Truman were 'bought'. (Sam 'Momo' Giancana: Live and Die by the Sword)

From an article entitled Robert Gates, Lockerbie, October Surprise, Iran-Contra, we learn that Mohamed Atta was 'flying Lebanese heroin into Florida for Porter Goss's 911 operation'.
Reportedly, tied to Porter Goss' 911 training operation in Florida were the Muslim Brotherhood, and agents of the intelligence agencies of Saudi Arabia, Germany, Syria and Pakistan. (LOCKERBIE AND THE FINANCING OF 9 11)
Reportedly, Sam Giancana rigged the US presidential election for President Kennedy. Reportedly, Giancana had links to 7 US Presidents. According to Giancana, both presidents Roosevelt and Truman were 'bought'. (Sam 'Momo' Giancana: Live and Die by the Sword)

Licio Gelli of Italy's P2 masonic lodge
In Italy, the P2 masonic lodge was a link between the mafia and the government. (
In March 1981, the Italian police found a list of the 962 members of P2, which contained the names of: 3 government ministers, 43 members of parliament, 43 generals, 8 admirals, secret service chiefs, top bureaucrats and diplomats, police commanders, industrialists, financiers, journalists and TV personalities.
Ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky wrote that Licio Gelli, P-2's Grand Master, was the ally of Mossad in Italy and that Gelli also had a close relationship with the Gladio group. ( down with murder inc / Israel, Mossad, Iran and a Nuclear False Flag Attack )
Top people who allegedly had contact with P-2 include Henry Kissinger, Edmond de Rothschild, and David Rockefeller.

In Italy, the P2 masonic lodge was a link between the mafia and the government. (
In March 1981, the Italian police found a list of the 962 members of P2, which contained the names of: 3 government ministers, 43 members of parliament, 43 generals, 8 admirals, secret service chiefs, top bureaucrats and diplomats, police commanders, industrialists, financiers, journalists and TV personalities.
Ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky wrote that Licio Gelli, P-2's Grand Master, was the ally of Mossad in Italy and that Gelli also had a close relationship with the Gladio group. ( down with murder inc / Israel, Mossad, Iran and a Nuclear False Flag Attack )
Top people who allegedly had contact with P-2 include Henry Kissinger, Edmond de Rothschild, and David Rockefeller.

Khashoggi reportedly has links to the Bush family and Osama bin Laden. (Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists)
In 1999, according to Peter Dale Scott, a former Canadian diplomat, (The Global Drug Meta-Group.) a meeting took place at Adnan Khashoggi's villa in Beaulieu, near Monaco.
Those at the meeting included a member of the Yeltsin cabal and four people with passports from Venezuela, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Germany.
Between them they allegedly enjoyed excellent relations with: 1) Ayman al-Zawahiri, the 'mastermind of 9/11'. 2) Soviet military intelligence. 3) the FARC Colombian revolutionary group. 4) the Kosovo Liberation Army. 5) (according to a well-informed Russian source) the CIA.

In 1999, according to Peter Dale Scott, a former Canadian diplomat, (The Global Drug Meta-Group.) a meeting took place at Adnan Khashoggi's villa in Beaulieu, near Monaco.
Those at the meeting included a member of the Yeltsin cabal and four people with passports from Venezuela, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Germany.
Between them they allegedly enjoyed excellent relations with: 1) Ayman al-Zawahiri, the 'mastermind of 9/11'. 2) Soviet military intelligence. 3) the FARC Colombian revolutionary group. 4) the Kosovo Liberation Army. 5) (according to a well-informed Russian source) the CIA.

Bush and Kissinger have links to BCCI
Think of the criminal bank known as BCCI.
It involved leaders from 73 countries.
And at the top was the CIA.
"Investigations by the US Senate, NY Attorney General Robert Morgenthau and several award-winning journalists revealed that BCCI was run by the CIA and top US officials." (Inside the Global Banking Intelligence Complex, BCCI Operations)
Key players were: Former CIA directors George Bush Sr., William Casey and Richard Helms, former Defense Secretary Clark Clifford and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
At Global research, on 12 October 2010, David DeGraw (Inside the Global Banking Intelligence Complex, BCCI Operations) pointed out that BCCI consisted of an alliance of certain:
1. Intelligence agencies
2. Corporations
3. Weapons dealers
4. Drug traffickers
5. Terrorists
6. Bankers
7. Government officials.
David DeGraw, whose new book is “The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III,” points out:
1. BCCI links many scandals, including Iran-Contra, October Surprise, the funding of Saddam, the sale of nuclear technology to North Korea, the funding of Osama and al Qaeda, the drugs trade, the trade in people.
2. BCCI was modeled on top intelligence agencies and corporations.

Think of the criminal bank known as BCCI.
It involved leaders from 73 countries.
And at the top was the CIA.
"Investigations by the US Senate, NY Attorney General Robert Morgenthau and several award-winning journalists revealed that BCCI was run by the CIA and top US officials." (Inside the Global Banking Intelligence Complex, BCCI Operations)
Key players were: Former CIA directors George Bush Sr., William Casey and Richard Helms, former Defense Secretary Clark Clifford and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
At Global research, on 12 October 2010, David DeGraw (Inside the Global Banking Intelligence Complex, BCCI Operations) pointed out that BCCI consisted of an alliance of certain:
1. Intelligence agencies
2. Corporations
3. Weapons dealers
4. Drug traffickers
5. Terrorists
6. Bankers
7. Government officials.
David DeGraw, whose new book is “The Road Through 2012: Revolution or World War III,” points out:
1. BCCI links many scandals, including Iran-Contra, October Surprise, the funding of Saddam, the sale of nuclear technology to North Korea, the funding of Osama and al Qaeda, the drugs trade, the trade in people.
2. BCCI was modeled on top intelligence agencies and corporations.
The richest fifth of the World's population receive 82% of the World's income.
3. BCCI involved people such as Manuel Noriega, Ferdinand Marcos, Saddam Hussein and the Colombian drug barons.
Time magazine reported:
"This is the story of how the wealthy and corrupt in Latin America managed to steal virtually every dollar lent to their countries by Western banks, creating the debt crisis of the 1980s;
"how heads of state… skimmed billions from their national treasuries and hid them in Swiss and Caymanian accounts forever free from snooping regulators;
"how Pakistan and Iraq got materials for nuclear weaponry and how Libya built poison-gas plants.”
4. The CIA was in charge.
CIA covert operations were run through BCCI’s “black network.”
BCCI frontmen Kamal Adham and A.R. Khalil were 'primary CIA liaisons for the entire Middle East'.
Among the others involved with the bank were high-ranking Republicans and Democrats, top executives at First American Bank, Bank of America, PR firm Hill & Knowlton, cable company TCI, and auditing firms Price Waterhouse and Ernst & Young.
5. Investigative reporter Chris Floyd wrote, “Instead of stopping the drug-runners and terrorists, the CIA decided to join them, using BCCI’s secret channels to finance ‘black ops’ all over the world.”
The black network, 'which is still functioning', operates an arms-trade business and transports drugs and gold.
6. Sources have told investigators that B.C.C.I. worked closely with Israel’s spy agencies and other Western intelligence agencies.
BCCI 'maintained cozy relationships' with terrorists, say investigators who discovered suspected terrorist accounts for Libya, Syria and the Palestine Liberation Organization in B.C.C.I.’s London offices.

7. Bin Laden had accounts in BCCI and ran a CIA/BCCI-funded camp.
8. BCCI also funded Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program when they set up the Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology.
9. George Bush Sr. and Robert Gates were key players in the BCCI financed Iran-Contra Affair.
10. George Bush Sr. and Henry Kissinger were also involved in funnelling billions of dollars to Saddam Hussein.
Kissinger and his firm Kissinger Associates played a key role in BCCI.
11. BCCI secretly owned Washington’s largest bank, First American.
Five of Bank of America’s senior officers were either on BCCI’s board of directors or helped to manage the bank.
Bank of America transferred more than $1 billion a day for BCCI.
BCCI was linked to market manipulation and money laundering.
12. The Savings and Loan scandal was part of the BCCI Affair.
Many of the failed S&L thrifts were secret intelligence shell companies and were traced back to BCCI and the CIA.
George Bush Sr., Henry Kissinger, James Baker, Robert Mueller, Robert Gates and Alan Greenspan were all heavily involved in BCCI activities. Former President Bill Clinton even played a crucial role in continuing the cover-up by killing follow-up investigations upon taking office.
3. BCCI involved people such as Manuel Noriega, Ferdinand Marcos, Saddam Hussein and the Colombian drug barons.
Time magazine reported:
"This is the story of how the wealthy and corrupt in Latin America managed to steal virtually every dollar lent to their countries by Western banks, creating the debt crisis of the 1980s;
"how heads of state… skimmed billions from their national treasuries and hid them in Swiss and Caymanian accounts forever free from snooping regulators;
"how Pakistan and Iraq got materials for nuclear weaponry and how Libya built poison-gas plants.”
4. The CIA was in charge.
CIA covert operations were run through BCCI’s “black network.”
BCCI frontmen Kamal Adham and A.R. Khalil were 'primary CIA liaisons for the entire Middle East'.
Among the others involved with the bank were high-ranking Republicans and Democrats, top executives at First American Bank, Bank of America, PR firm Hill & Knowlton, cable company TCI, and auditing firms Price Waterhouse and Ernst & Young.
5. Investigative reporter Chris Floyd wrote, “Instead of stopping the drug-runners and terrorists, the CIA decided to join them, using BCCI’s secret channels to finance ‘black ops’ all over the world.”
The black network, 'which is still functioning', operates an arms-trade business and transports drugs and gold.
6. Sources have told investigators that B.C.C.I. worked closely with Israel’s spy agencies and other Western intelligence agencies.
BCCI 'maintained cozy relationships' with terrorists, say investigators who discovered suspected terrorist accounts for Libya, Syria and the Palestine Liberation Organization in B.C.C.I.’s London offices.

7. Bin Laden had accounts in BCCI and ran a CIA/BCCI-funded camp.
8. BCCI also funded Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program when they set up the Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology.
9. George Bush Sr. and Robert Gates were key players in the BCCI financed Iran-Contra Affair.
10. George Bush Sr. and Henry Kissinger were also involved in funnelling billions of dollars to Saddam Hussein.
Kissinger and his firm Kissinger Associates played a key role in BCCI.
11. BCCI secretly owned Washington’s largest bank, First American.
Five of Bank of America’s senior officers were either on BCCI’s board of directors or helped to manage the bank.
Bank of America transferred more than $1 billion a day for BCCI.
BCCI was linked to market manipulation and money laundering.
12. The Savings and Loan scandal was part of the BCCI Affair.
Many of the failed S&L thrifts were secret intelligence shell companies and were traced back to BCCI and the CIA.
George Bush Sr., Henry Kissinger, James Baker, Robert Mueller, Robert Gates and Alan Greenspan were all heavily involved in BCCI activities. Former President Bill Clinton even played a crucial role in continuing the cover-up by killing follow-up investigations upon taking office.
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