(Excerpted from Chapter 10: The Iran/Iraq War: Big Oil & Their Bankers…)
Dean Henderson
December 20, 2011
The irrational deep-seated hatred which the Anglo-American foreign policy establishment holds towards Iran is rooted in the 1979 Iranian Revolution, which overthrew the Four Horsemen stooge Shah and nationalized Iran’s oil and banking industries.
The Eight Families banking cabal much preferred the mullahs to the leftists. By 1982 CIA and MI6 were passing targeting information to the Ayatollah aimed at Iranian leftist groups like the Tudeh Party, the National Front and the People’s Mujahadeen. The mullahs unleashed a reign of terror, assassinating over 4,000 Tudeh Party leaders, while torturing and imprisoning over 10,000 Tudeh members and supporters. In 1989 many of those imprisoned were sentenced to death. [412]
Khomeini banned Tudeh, terming them “Marxist satanic elements” – something even the Shah hadn’t done. The Tudeh Party spearheaded the Iranian Revolution through their Committee of 60 oilfield strikes in Khuzistan. The party earlier ushered in Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, whose attempts to wrest better terms from the Four Horsemen-controlled Iranian Consortium made him the target of a successful BP-financed coup in 1953.
The US was now once again helping Islamic extremists, this time to exterminate the Iranian left. One US official assured reporters that the executions “would not hinder the warming of US/Iran relations”. [413] Big Oil was dealing with the Ayatollah as well, secretly shipping Iranian crude to Saudi Arabia for refining.
The Israeli Mossad was walking the same high-wire in their country, where in 1978 it allowed the fundamentalist Hamas to become the only Palestinian group registered in Israel. Within a decade Hamas leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin had built a powerful organization that ruled the Gaza Strip under Israeli watch. [414]
The Israelis found Hamas a convenient bludgeon which they could deploy against Yasser Arafat whose Palestinian Authority had emerged from Fatah and the PLO, both of which put forth a secular left of center political agenda based on Arab unity and nationalism.
Hamas has a much different agenda. They are Islamists whose goal is to set up an Islamic state with funding from the undemocratic right-wing GCC sheikdoms, especially the House of Saud. Hamas regularly receives funds from the Saudis without intervention by the Israelis, while money bound for the PLO is routinely seized by Israeli authorities. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon played a critical role in the founding of Hamas in 1988, when his Likud Party doled out 800 licenses to Islamists in the occupied Palestinian territories of Gaza and the West Bank. The right-wing Israeli Likud uses Hamas to sew division among the Palestinians.
The Saudis favor Hamas since their interests are firmly aligned with those of the international bankers and the Four Horsemen. The Saudis prefer fundamentalist groups that talk of “infidels” and “the decadence of Western culture”, to those more radical nationalist groups who rail against the injustice of neo-liberal globalization, a system from which the House of Saud derives its vast wealth. After the Gulf War the House of Saud cut funding to the PLO to punish Arafat for his opposition to the US bombing of Iraq, while the Saudis continued to fund Hamas. [415] Many House of Saud members are members of the secret society Muslim Brotherhood-Benoist-Mechin.
Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which traces its roots back to the Grand Lodge of Cairo and the Assassins secret society which fought alongside Knights Templar invaders in their attacks against Muslim Saracen nationalists during the Crusades. Hamas, wittingly or not, serves that same “divide and conquer” role today in Sharon’s attacks on the nationalist Arafat. Hamas suicide bombers are modern-day Assassins, whose actions serve as a pretext for further Israeli aggression against Palestinians.
It was no coincidence that each time Sharon flew to Washington in 2002 to discuss the increasingly explosive Israeli/Palestinian conflict with President Bush, Hamas activated its suicide bombers. The bombings enabled Sharon to escape US scrutiny. Each time the Butcher of Shatila was soon on his way back to Tel Aviv to grab more Palestinian land. In 2005 Hamas won the elections in Palestine, giving the Israelis another excuse to harden their stance.
Sharon served as ideological guru of both the Gush Emunim and Kach Movement/JDL Jewish underground right-wing terror networks during his 1977-1992 tenure in Israeli Likud governments. Sharon was also part of the Landscam gang which made millions recruiting Jews from Manhattan to Moscow as buyers of homes built on illegal settlements on Palestinian lands during the 1980’s and 1990’s.
His Landscam partners included Rupert Murdoch, Sir David Ormsby-Gore, Prince Johannes von Thurn and Taxis, Sir Edmund Peck and World Jewish Congress President Edgar Bronfman. [416]
Also attending the initial 1982 planning sessions for this land grab at Sharon’s Negev ranch were Henry Kissinger, MI6 MidEast specialist Nicholas Elliot and Permindex crony Louis Mortimer Bloomfield. The meeting came on the heels of Sharon’s June 4, 1982 invasion of Lebanon.
From 1984-1990 Sharon served as Minister of Construction & Housing for Likud, where he greatly expanded illegal Israeli settlement activity. [417]
According to former Mossad case officer Victor Ostravsky, Mossad armed the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood with mujahadeenarms from Afghanistan in 1986. Mossad even told these Islamic Jihad terrorists which targets to hit. That same year they planned to arm Islamists in Jordan to destabilize that nation as part of their “Jordan is Palestine” plan to push all Palestinians into Jordan, while seizing the West Bank and Gaza Strip. [418]
In October 1991, angered at the Bush Sr. Administration’s willingness to mediate peace talks in Madrid between Israel and the Palestinians, Ostravsky says Mossad used three Hamas extremists in an attempt to assassinate Bush in Madrid. When their plan failed, these Palestinians, like many before them, were shipped off to Nes Ziyyona, an Israeli nuclear, biological and chemical weapons testing facility where experiments are routinely conducted on Palestinian militants. A similar Mossad facility exists, disguised as a hospital, in Soweto, South Africa, where poor blacks are subject to experimentation. [419]
The global elite use Islamic extremists to achieve its geopolitical goals on a regular basis. In 1982 the socialist government in Syria put down a revolt led by Islamic militants. One of the revolt’s leaders was Abdallah Azzam, who later supervised the CIA training of mujahadeen in Peshawar.
Shiek Hassan Turabi, leader of the Sudanese military government, is backed by the leader of that country’s Muslim Brotherhood offshoot known as the Islamic National Front. Until the media began reporting that Osama bin Laden was using Sudan as his mid-1990’s al Qaeda base, the US had close ties to the Sudanese fanatics. Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, the cleric who CIA brought to the US to recruit Islamic fighters got his visa at the US consulate in Khartoum. [420]
In the US the Muslim Brotherhood coalesces around Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam. On February 21, 1965 Nation of Islam operatives gunned down black leader Malcolm X, who had fallen out with the Islamists after a journey to Mecca altered his worldview. Prior to the trip, Malcolm X spoke in the divisive manner of Farrakhan, preaching black power against the “white devils”. In his autobiography, he writes of his transformation at Mecca. Upon his return he ditched his racial analysis and focused on class, reaching out, as Dr. Martin Luther King had begun to do when he was assassinated, to labor unions and impoverished whites. He even talked of a coalition with King.
Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad was a self-proclaimed messenger of Nation of Islam founder Master Fard. Fard instructed Muhammad to study the origins of Islam, Freemasonry and the Kabala. According to Fard, the black race emerged from the powerful Tribe of Shabazz, whose members possessed the all-seeing eye via their operative pineal glands. In a story strikingly similar to that of the Annunaki Sumerian invaders, Fard said a “big-head scientist named Yakub” appeared around 6,000 years ago and began experiments to genetically engineer a wicked race who would be “masters of deceit”. Fard claims the white races produced by Yakub, whom he claims is the Biblical Jacob, were represented in ancient Egyptology as the tribe of Seth, who was known by the Greeks as Satan. Fard says that mankind’s pineal gland was damaged through these experiments and that these “white devils” usurped the many achievements of black culture, terming their new slaves Negroes, after the word necro, which means “dead”. [421]
Fard also states – as do the Knights Templar – that Jesus Christ never died on the cross. Fard said Christ was only in an herb-induced stupor when he was laid in the tomb by Roman soldiers and that he later married, had children and died in Kashmir, Pakistan. [422]
This helps explain why, while the Priory of Sion bloodline Kings are the Merovingans of France (where the Templars claim Christ later lived), the spiritual God/King of the Muslim Brotherhood is Aga Khan, who resided in the Kashimir region of Pakistan. It may also explain why ill-fated modern-day Assassin Osama bin Laden hid out in Pakistan.
The sniper that claimed thirteen victims in the Washington, DC area in October 2002, John Mohamed, was a recent convert to the Nation of Islam. Its donors have included Texas billionaire H. L. Hunt, who met with Jack Ruby the day before the JFK hit, then disappeared to Mexico for a month.
Louis Farrakhan came up missing in similar fashion after the Malcolm X hit. The assassins of Malcolm X were likely paid by CIA, which was concerned with his pan-Africanism and his UN petition declaring the US to be a racist imperial power.
Islamic fundamentalism began its modern day meteoric rise in British administered India and found a permanent home in Pakistan. That country came into being in 1947 in a British attempt to divide Muslims from their Hindu Indian counterparts. Pakistani Islamism was carried forth by Mawdudi and a succession of military juntas backed by the US. [423]
The Saudi Muslim Brotherhood government embraces Wahhabist fundamentalism and finances its export to places like Egypt – where it once printed and distributed a manual advocating “Islamic political economy”.
The US-allied Gulf Cooperation Council embraces Islamic fundamentalism, which is quite congruent with global monopoly capitalism and feudalistic monarchy.
Meanwhile US enemies in the region embrace secular socialism, which aims to stop the exploitation of oil resources by the Four Horsemen and their Eight Families-owners.
Great regional leaders including the Egyptian Nasser, the Iranian Mossadegh, the Algerian Boumedienne, the Libyan Qaddafi and the Iraqi al-Bakr all advocated secular socialism (though Qaddafi proclaimed himself precisely to be an anarcho-syndicalist), which poses a very real threat to the Illuminati elite.
[412] “War Criminals, Real and Imagined”. Gregory Elich. Covert Action Quarterly. Winter 2001. p.21
[413] “Heart of Darkness Department”. Alexander Cockburn. The Nation. 2-6-89. p.151
[414] “Israel and Hamas: Dancing the Zionist-Islamist Waltz”. Rezeq Faraj. Covert Action Quarterly. Winter 2001. p.24
[415] “Islamic Terrorists: Creature of the US Taxpayer?” John K. Cooley. International Herald Tribune. 3-13-96
[416] “Ariel Sharon: Profile of an Unrepentant War Criminal” Jeffrey Steinberg. Executive Intelligence Review. 5-17-02
[417] Ibid
[418] The Other Side of Deception. Victor Ostravsky. HarperCollins Publishing. New York. 1994
[419] Ibid
[420] Faraj. p.25
[421] The Judas Factor: The Plot to Kill Malcolm X. Karl Evanzz. Thunder’s Mouth Press. New York. 1992
[422] Ibid
[423] “Political Islam”. Samir Amin. Covert Action Quarterly. Winter 2001. p.3
Dean Henderson is the author of Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries and Das Kartell der Federal Reserve.Subscribe FREE to his Left Hook weekly column at: www.deanhenderson.wordpress.com
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