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Don't Fall Into the Sheeple Pit........ |
America is Lost in The Land of Oz
Saman Mohammadi
Saman Mohammadi
August 29, 2011
"There is an apathy that is running rampant in this country that is deadly.
We are truly now, at this moment, a nation of sheep. And, ladies and gentlemen, I assure you that sheep are always led to the slaughter.
But it does not have to be that way. There is tremendous power in knowledge. There is also tremendous power in secrecy. Take away that secrecy, you make sure that you're informed, and you can change things. And stop fighting with each other." -William Cooper, from a speech given in 1989.
"The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears." - Hunter S. Thompson, from the book, "Kingdom of Fear," pg. 220.
emeralds in glass
searchlights at twi-light
stoned streets in the pale dawn
robed in exile" - Jim Morrison, from the poem, "The Opening of the Trunk."
Washington spoke: "Friends of America! look over the Atlantic sea;A bended bow is lifted in heaven, & a heavy iron chainDescends, link by link, from Albion's cliffs across the sea, to bindBrothers & sons of America till our faces pale and yellow,Heads deprest, voices weak, eyes downcast, hands work-bruis'd,Feet bleeding on the sultry sands, and the furrows of the whipDescend to generations that in future times forget." - William Blake, from the poem, "America, A Prophecy (1793)."
"It's evident that Nemesis -- in Greek mythology the goddess of vengeance, the punisher of hubris and arrogance -- is already a visitor in our country, simply biding her time before she makes her presence known." - Chalmers Johnson.
"Truth crushed to earth will rise again." - William Cullen Bryant.
"Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, nor frightened from it by menaces of destruction to the Government nor of dungeons to ourselves. Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it." - Abraham Lincoln, from his Cooper Union Speech, delivered on February 27, 1960.
In our times, it is politically fashionable to deny the laws of physics, hype the terror threat to the level of public paralysis and despair, and repeat the false logic that questioning government narratives about recent history's greatest events like 9/11 is an outgrowth of paranoid thinking.
But those of us who know better realize that the men who changed the world in their day were never politically fashionable when they first spoke or wrote in the hopes of awakening other citizens to what they knew. They were excommunicated from civilized society, and banished to the wild to tell their truths to whoever had the courtesy to listen to them without judging. They were not only wise, but patient with people and forgiving of their rash mistakes.
Patience is valued more than wisdom because history shows that it takes patient voices like those of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., William Cooper, Ron Paul, G. Edward Griffin, Alex Jones and numerous others to pass on wisdom to inconsiderate, ignorant and fearful people.
9/11 truth-tellers, who are the modern heirs of the excommunicated wisdom seekers of humanity, insist that a culture of conspiracy theories exists not because there are millions of paranoid freaks in society, but because an elitist culture of conspiracy exists in the highest levels of governments, banks, corporations, academia, royal houses, and media institutions.
We arrive at our reasoned conclusions about the 9/11 attacks, 7/7 attacks, and other political plots against freedom based on the observation of factual events, intellectual analysis, and deep research into the intricacies of our systems of government.
We know America and the world is lost in a prison reality, where the bars are officially sanctioned lies and the truth serves the sentence of life. We are not blind to the machinations of Machiavellian wizards behind the curtains of state terror and false crises who want to topple our Western governments from within and subject us all to slavery.
We hand these treacherous devils a huge victory by letting them strip us of our dignity and self-respect, which are undermined when we allow our minds to be invaded from inside the halls of government and our thoughts to be dictated by cunning tyrants who play on our emotions.
Throughout history, corrupt ruling elites and dictators have made the same mistake: underestimating the people's will, intelligence and anger. The lawless plutocracy that controls America and the West is no different. They may flee the crime scene that is America once the curtain has finally been pulled back and their destructive policies have been exposed as evil and treacherous, but where are they going to hide? The beaches of South America? The castles of Europe? The sands of Dubai? Mars? An American Green Zone in Colorado?
It doesn't matter where the scum that bankrupted and destroyed America from the inside go to avoid the guillotines because, eventually, justice will be done in America. The traitorous state terrorists in Washington, and their partners in crime in Israel, England and other nations will one day face the wrath of the American people and the people of the world.
Public wrath in an age of government evil and government duplicity is good. Informed and moderated anger is good. It bears many gifts. When society is crippled and controlled by evil tyrants, you have to get angry before you can correct the situation and restore law and order.
Public displays of anger in America and other Western countries is needed more than anything else. Being called angry in this age is a compliment. It means that your thinking and your feeling, and that your head is screwed on straight.
This is the Age of the Eloquent Angry Rant. Alex Jones knows it. Max Keiserknows it. Jesse Ventura knows it. Dylan Ratigan knows it. Keith Olbermannknows it. Cenk Uygur knows it. And Ron Paul knows it too, but he doesn't show his anger in public.
After the age of anger has passed, America will rediscover its true spirit and be free from the parasitic leeches and liars who control the America of Oz through the private Federal Reserve banking system, Wall Street, the Israel Lobby, the CIA shadow government, and the corpo-state media.
Some people look down on anger, and I understand their perspective. Acting from a position of anger can be very destabilizing and counter-productive. Anger must be the fuel, not the fire itself. But the fire to create change cannot be made without anger.
Divine anger, the fire in men's bellies, will save America and Western civilization from despotism and destruction.
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