Monday, July 25, 2011

The First Lady and The Monsanto-Washington Unification Process Vs. Our Human Rights

By Lenore Daniels

The First Lady and the Monsanto-Washington Unification Process
Vs. Our Human Rights

The effect is again a magical and hypnotic one--the projection of images which convey irresistible unity, harmony of contradictions. Thus the loved and fear Father, the spender of life, generates the H-bomb for the annihilation of life; "science-military' joins the efforts to reduce anxiety and suffering with the job of creating anxiety and suffering.
Herbert Marcuse, One-Dimensional Man

Monsanto has great respect for all of us, little people, and for Mother Earth, the source of all its (Monsanto's) material wealth. But Monsanto would like to remind the world that however much those activists transgressors in Brazil condemn its connection to the use of dioxin in a current project to defoliate the rain forest or however much those Vietnam Vets agitators shout about the long-term harmful effects of Agent Orange, Monsanto is a new humanitarian enterprise, working with struggling farmers on behalf of the poor and starving children of the world. Monsanto, along with the cooperative government of the U.S. and other Western nations, envisions a future filled with healthy and happy humans.  

Chuckle. Chuckle.

We have great respect for the U.S. soldiers sent to war and all those affected by the Vietnam conflict. All sides share in the pain from this difficult time in our history. One of the legacies of that war is Agent Orange, where questions remain nearly 40 years later.

By way of background, the U.S. military used Agent Orange from 1961 to 1971 to save the lives of U.S. and allied soldiers by defoliating dense vegetation in the Vietnamese jungles and therefore reducing the chances of ambush.

As the war began and intensified, the U.S. government used its authority under the Defense Production Act to issue contracts to seven major chemical companies to obtain Agent Orange and other herbicides for use by U.S. and allied troops in Vietnam. The government specified the chemical composition of Agent Orange and when, where and how the material was to be used in the field, including application rates. Agent Orange was one of 15 herbicides used for military purposes during the Vietnam War and the most commonly applied. It received its name because of the orange band around containers of the material"

There have been a number of lawsuits. Monsanto and the six other chemical manufacturers reached agreement with U.S. veterans in a class action lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York in 1984 that involved millions of U.S. veterans and their families. There was not a finding of fault. It was settled by the parties rather than undertake a lengthy and complicated trial. The $180 million in funds that were part of the agreement were distributed according to a plan developed in part by U.S. District Judge Jack B. Weinstein"

[There have been other lawsuits since 2009 but]"

Monsanto is now primarily a seed and agricultural products company.

We believe that the adverse consequences alleged to have arisen out of the Vietnam War, including the use of Agent Orange, should be resolved by the governments that were involved. (

(("The Agent Orange produced by Monsanto had dioxin levels many times higher than that produced by Dow Chemicals, the other major supplier of Agent Orange to Vietnam,"   "The Legacy of Agent Orange" at Corp

(((Monsanto produced "some of the most toxic substances ever created," according to an investigative report entitled, "Harvest of Fear," published at Vanity Fair, May 2008.)))

You are now ordered to forget those images of children with skin burned and bloodied; babies with two heads and one eye, deformed and missing limbs--forget them! Whatever happened in the past was unintentional.   We were ordered by your government to do it! If harm was done when Monsanto was the Monsanto we are not now, sorry! Contact your government and scream until you pass out! We are "dedicated to a better place for future generations."
In the "imagined future," one in which we have "foreknowledge" and "mystically share in," that "dark place" of the Orwellian realm (1984), Monsanto assures us that information is available, accessible, and understandable," (
Infringe on Monsanto's patents of genetically modified food or transgress its seed laws and its "shadowy army" of private investigators and agents--"secretly" videotaping and photographing wrong doers, and infiltrating "community meetings"--will   to "get you" ("Harvest of Fear"). Farmers know Monsanto as the "seed police," the "Gestapo" of the Heartland.

We are witnessing the criminalization of producing and consuming healthy food.

Here is what the telescreen preaches to us: the U.S. Empire has detected a problem. The results of studies are in and obesity is that problem. Citizens of the U.S. of A. are obese! The littlest of the little people, the children, are "too fat." They indulge in "fatty foods." The children along with their parents are irresponsible.

The first Black First Lady enters the picture. The mother of two well-feed children, except for the occasional treat of French fries, is in search of obese children. In a timely manner, Michelle Obama launches her "Let's Move" program, later in that same year (2010), she announces that she "wants to take her campaign to reduce childhood obesity to a bigger audience: the global one."

Everyone applauds! Cameras follow the First Lady as she flies from one end of the country to the other, promoting the consumption of greens, carrots, apples, and strawberries, (and indulging occasionally in a side dish of French fries).

Monsanto has the future of our children on its horizon--and it would seem Mrs. Obama does too!

The International Journal of Biological Science issued its findings, too, and it found a problem, too, with 3 genetically modified corn varieties produced by the new, supposedly non-lethal Monsanto. In fact, this study found the problem to be with the giant Monsanto! "80 percent of all corn grown in the U.S. had been genetically modified by Monsanto." Three strains of corn tested caused serious problems in the liver ( and this is just one example of the risk Monsanto's food products pose for the current and future generations of children. Agriculture Society reports that the Institute for Responsible Technology found the following health issues arising from consuming GMO foods:

Immune system problems
Accelerated aging
Faulty insulin regulation
Development of pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract
Changes in other major organs

The International Journal of Biological Science report concludes: This is a "huge problem." (And let us not forget--health insurance is another problem in the heartland of the U.S. Empire!).

Any word from the First Lady about Monsanto, GMOs, health risks for eating just about anything, including veggies and fruits?

Do not look to Monsanto to give up either!

Monsanto is a master shape-shifter like so many we can think of today operating at the headquarters imperial power in Washington D.C. In fact, you might find more Monsanto shape-shifters in Washington than anywhere else.   That is because the First Lady's husband, President Barrack Obama and Monsanto want to ensure the longevity of the corporation.  

Here is President Barrack Obama shuffling Monsanto food executives and research scientists from the boardroom and labs to the global reaches of the U.S. Empire faster than his wife, the First Lady, can fly to her next lecture on "obesity.". Former Monsanto executives occupy leadership positions in the Department of Agriculture.

In "Farming--Why Obama's Government is George Wallace, Monsanto is the KKK, and We Are All Black Children" (,   Linn Cohen Cole writes about Monsanto's "rural cleansing" campaign.   Oh, Monsanto is everywhere! The First Lady should not miss omnipotent beings in the halls of the White House, in Congress, certainly not at the Department of Agriculture and not at the Supreme Court where Justice Clarence Thomas, another former Monsanto employee, loves his Monsanto more than he does our current and future generation of children.    

Since Thomas' appointment, writes Cole, the court has ruled in favor of genetically altered organisms and, in addition, has upheld laws protecting Monsanto's "intellectual property rights." As a result, Monsanto's "rural cleansing" campaign is chasing farmers off their lands, from one end of the country to the other, while contaminating nature with its genetically engineered products. This is all good, for Clarence, and apparently the White House and the First Lady, too, flying, to and from, above it all!

Cole argues that these rulings are in "violation of our civil rights." Here is a ""justice,'" Cole continues, destroying "previously taken for granted and thus undefined civil and human rights around nature." We can generalize about "agriculture" and "commodities" or "profits""but "the profound truth that this is about life or death and our civil rights to live" is left out of the argument.

And you would think Thomas, Mr. Obama, and Mrs. Obama should know all about the civil right to live! But here is the 21st Century is Thomas, loyal corporate man, Barrack Obama, organizer of the Monsanto-Washington unification process, and Mrs. Obama saving our children's lives from the ravages of obesity!

  Mrs. Obama giving us images of Black obese children and then Brown obese children and then obese white children careful not to give us images of parents working 2 or 3 jobs, if they are working at all, and children, then, who are left to eat potato chips and candy, genetically engineered corn-based products for breakfast, lunch, and sometimes even dinner while watching television commercials featuring genetically fattened chicken. Where are the urban, migrant poor and the working class children to establish a garden like the one Mrs. Obama tenders at the White House? (Ah, "urban cleansing"! They have done that already!).

Unintentional, you think? Corporate and government indifference is deadly!

Monsanto's food products not only contribute to "obesity" in children (and adults as well), but also contributes to the rise in diabetes, cancer, and heart disease (Cole).

Talk about insanity--on a grand level!

But let me reiterate! The installation of Clarence Thomas as an administer of justice and Barrack Obama as a Commander-in-Chief (or is that Chef?) at the helm of the U.S. Empire represents strategic steps, salvos, intended to kill anything human or natural! (So much for the end of the Agent Orange era!). Rights are rendered to corporations these dark days. You can only imagine the light in our future,

Returning to Cole--the author, like so many of us non-important, little people, recognizes from here below, that Monsanto is practicing a form of "discrimination," where "one group is using corrupt means to discriminate against a defined segment of the population--all of us who wish to live."

Cole is not alone in condemning not only Monsanto but also the system that is out to destroy life, human and nature, on this planet.   Cole's observation is one voiced by those few of us Black commentators who were critical of that mechanizing and criminalizing system and the selection of Obama (the first "Black" president) chosen by Wall Street and the corporate rulers to oversee the further progress of a One World order. But the foot soldiers of "progress," the liberal-progressive-alternative-left media thanked the Daley Machine on LaSalle Street and obliged the Democratic Party by bracketing our warnings in double, triple parenthesis--with a warning of their own: shut up!

"Progress" is buying the double talk and eating the crap!   And we are where we are today!

Cole writes: Obama "is a black man [the George Wallace of this generation] overseeing a government that is discriminating and abusing a marginalized group." But it is not one racial or ethnic group, or one class, or only women marginalized today. Here is a George Wallace in controlling and selling humans and the land to the Monsantos of the world, the KKK, Cole argues. All of us are the little Black children of yesterday.

All of us are the little people subject to whims of the state police and the "food" police, and labels of "terrorists" or "food" terrorists.

Cole continues:

This is not just an agricultural issue. It is a civil rights and a human rights issue--the most profound in human history since it is about the right to (normal) nature and survival itself. The totalitarian and corrupt parties discriminating against us all can only be dealt with once we see this as a single issue and come together in a civil rights movement on behalf of us all.     

But do not turn your eyes away from the First Lady who, for fear of losing life as she knows it, is the savior of children one minute and is campaign cheerleader the next.   All in a day's work--for the Big People!

For husband's re-election, for the corporatist Party, and for corporate rulers, the First Lady reads Monsanto's letter to transgressors and agitators, salutes and says, "I do, too."

Catch that smile and those wonderful gowns!

No wonder Monsanto exchanged its dusty fatigues for a more formal, more "global" one of skull and bones.

Published at The Black, July 21, 2011

Author's Bio: Dr. Lenore J. Daniels, Black Commentator, Editorial Board and Columnist, Doctorate in Modern American Literature/Cultural Theory

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