Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May 4, 2011 -- Made-for-TV Bin Laden drama

Made-for-TV counter-terrorism operations


Like a scene from Fox Television’s “24” series, an intense fictional program that pits CIA agents and senior officials of the U.S. government against wily terrorists bent on mass death and mayhem, the world has been treated to photographs of President Obama, Vice President Biden, the White House national security team, and a clearly uncomfortable Secretary of State Hillary Clinton huddled around a table in the White House Situation Room watching a real-time video feed from Abbottabad, Pakistan. The video purports to show members of the US Navy’s SEAL Team 6, the Army’s Delta Force, and the CIA’s paramilitary force putting a bullet through Osama bin Laden’s eyeball after a 45-minute firefight in which Bin Laden’s security force put up a spirited resistance but were soon overcome by the superior force of the American Special Operations team.

In what may very well be a case of life imitating art, President Obama took to the airwaves after watching the Pentagon’s and CIA’s own version of “24” and announced that America’s Public Enemy Number One had been killed by the U.S. military team. Crowds soon showed up in front of the White House to shout “USA! USA!” and sing the praises of Obama for his order to shoot- to-kill the man accused of being the mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States. As a result, Obama’s flagging poll numbers shot skyward. America has finally had its revenge on the evil terrorist Bin Laden who has, over several years, baited the United States with video and audio threats of dubious authenticity from an unknown location.

The White House announced that Bin Laden had been caught in a large estate just a few hundred meters from the Kakul Military Academy of the Pakistani military, where most of Pakistan’s top brass were educated. Bin Laden was supposedly living, undetected by the Pakistani military and intelligence community, in a military cantonment that served as a place for retirement for a number of Pakistani military officers and Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) personnel. Abbottabad, 75 miles northeast of Islamabad and a Pakistani version of U.S. intelligence-imbued McLean, Virginia, is also well known to the Pakistani military’s and ISI’s CIA and Pentagon interlocutors. Yet, Bin Laden chose to live in “security” alongside the hated “infidels.”

End of the Bin Laden “shoot to kill” story?


A photograph showing a dead Bin Laden with his eyes missing and his mouth agape was flashed across television stations around the world and even ended up on the websites of major news publications. There was only one problem with the photos. They were faked and had been debunked as bogus months earlier. So, if the photographs of the dead Bin Laden were faked, what else about this master counter-terrorism strike was also bogus?


There had been a number of reports in the Pakistani, Arab, and western media about Bin Laden having been killed or dying from his kidney disease years before the White House trotted out its “24” show.

In July 2001, just weeks prior to the 9/11 attacks, Le Figaro of Paris and Radio France International reported that the CIA’s station chief in Dubai, who went by the name of Larry Mitchell, visited an ailing Bin Laden at the American Hospital in Dubai. On April 19, 2002, FBI director Robert Mueller, in a speech to San Francisco's Commonwealth Club, stated: "In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper -- either here in the United States, or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere -- that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot." So where was the FBI’s smoking gun leading it to Bin Laden? It never existed. In November 2002, President Bush said, “I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." And in 2006, the CIA, perhaps realizing that the Bin Laden “bogeyman” was difficult to sell to the public any longer, announced that it was closing down its Bin Laden unit, code named “Alec Station.” On November 2, 2007, former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto told David Frost that Osama had been murdered by one of Bin Laden’s henchmen. Almost two months later, Bhutto, herself, was murdered in an assassination during a campaign stop in Rawalpindi, a plot reported to have been engineered by the American-influenced Pakistani dictator Pervez Musharraf.

Now, after the alleged killing of Bin Laden in Abbottabad, the U.S. has announced it seized several “Al Qaeda” computers detailing planned terrorist attacks around the world. It would appear that Bin Laden, after more than mere rumors of his prior death, was resurrected from the grave for purposes only known to the upper echelons of the Obama White House and America’s military-industrial-intelligence complex… However, the suspicious selective leaks of U.S. State Department cables, disseminated by the extremely untrustworthy WikiLeaks, revealed that hundreds of interrogations of Guantanamo prisoners pointed to “Al Qaeda” threatening to unleash a "nuclear hellstorm" on the western nations if Bin Laden were caught or assassinated. The world may now be in store for false flag terrorist attacks courtesy of the CIA and Pentagon like nothing seen in the past.

After the fake Niger “yellow cake” uranium documents, the false intelligence from a known Iraqi fraudster that Saddam Hussein’s weather balloon vans were mobile biological weapons labs, bogus Iraq Oil Ministry documents alleging Saddam’s bribes to western politicians and businessmen, and the most recent false story proffered by Obama’s ambassador to the United Nations that Libyan troops taking Viagra were raping women in Libya, why should anyone with any degree of common sense believe anything coming out of the Obama administration? Like its predecessor, the Obama administration has shown a total compunction to lie and obfuscate. The increasing psychological warfare program being waged by the United States may be the last-ditch attempt to save a dying empire.

Bin Laden was said to have been buried at sea, according to “Islamic practice,” from the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson in the north Arabian Sea. However, no independent international observers witnessed whether the body buried at sea was, in fact, that of Bin Laden. Obama and his team want everyone to believe them at face value. Obama’s deputy national security adviser John Brennan, an architect of the CIA’s kidnapping and torture program and the U.S. gulag at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, said it was with “99.9 percent” certainty that the DNA was that of Bin Laden. When it comes to the U, S. government, the .1 percent uncertainty becomes a huge key in questioning the propaganda and the psychological warfare game being played by Washington.

Because Obama and his minions now say that America and the West is now under threat of an “Al Qaeda” retaliatory attack, security will be heightened and more civil and privacy rights will be sacrificed. George Orwell would be stunned that his fictional Oceania now exists in real life.

Pakistan, which now appears to be America’s new enemy in the “war against terrorism,” is being reported by American propaganda experts and Obama administration yes-men to be a nation rife with “conspiracy theories.” However, from members of the true and experienced working media in Washington, not the Obama blogger robots and corporate media shills who spew forth echo chamber talking points out of the White House press room and Obama’s own version of Joseph Goebbels, information “czar” Cass Sunstein, comes an almost uniform response to the events surrounding Bin Laden’s killing: “this story just does not seem plausible,” “why did they get rid of Bin Laden’s body so fast?” “Bin Laden’s been dead for eight years!” and “this is just more B.S. like we’ve seen since 9/11.”

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