Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blown Reactor Buildings Stand...But Twin Towers Fall?

April 18, 2011 6:52
"Still standing after all these blasts!"   .... Not so on 9/11...wonder why?
by Zen Gardner
Give me a break. 9.0 earthquake, tsunami, hydrogen explosions and a nuclear meltdown won't take these reactor buildings down. Not even the metal grid in the ceiling structure.
Yet on 9/11 the world's tallest skyscrapers, massively over-engineered to withstand hurricanes and dual jet plane impacts, were pulverized in seconds, distributing miniscule bone fragments city blocks away and leaving pools of molten steel for weeks, in a surreal pyroclastic mega-meltdown that plays over and over in the world's consciousness.
I mean, c'mon.
But hey, can't pay enough for good theatre to get the job done. Sure works in Hollywood. Why not use it? Hitler did, as did many others..especially America.
And these and other bastards rammed that fairy tale down Americans' throats and now threaten anyone who challenges their absolutely absurd "explanation".
We're ruled by monsters. But not for long.
And building 7 falling into its footprint at free-fall speed again later on that same day with just a couple of small office fires from debris was so hard to explain they just ignore it and pretend it didn't happen.
And it worked. That's the most incredible part of it.
High sorcery and cooperative political and media manipulation you'll eventually find out if haven't already.

This is the world we live in.

People are so hypno-trained now that anything NOT pumped via the party line, or especially strongly denied by the mainstain press, becomes anathema. And the designed knee jerk reaction is so strong it's polarizing society.
The good news is that those who are waking up to almost any degree to all this - they suddenly find themselves in the alternative encampment. They realize they've been lied to either about the banking system, the mortgage and housing system, the coverage of the gulf oil disaster, chemtrails, our food supply etc......and now the escalating Japan nuclear catastrophe....and they turn to other sources of information.

And there we are!

Welcome refugee from Orwellia! We love you! You are not insane...they are.
If they kept to themselves that would be one thing. But they don't. They think they have the divine right to rule, divide and conquer. However nowadays we're getting difficult to rule, 'what with our numbers and the awakening and all that', so they figured it out.
It's now easier to kill us than control us.
That will explain a lot once your research gets you there. Keep on, the truth awaits...
Hear it for yourself from the grand dragon, Machiavellian war architect behind the last 5 US presidents, Zbignew Brzezinski:

Pretty creepy.
But that's the truth. Wouldn't you rather know what they're up to? Truth is empowering...just balance the dark stuff with plenty of light...our wonderful connectedness, the glory of love and consciousness, and our amazing Universe we'll always be a part of.
Don't worry. Keep exposing lies, passing on truths, sharing love and encouragement.
Build community for the times to come, it's what will get us through. Supplies multiply when love rules.
But DO tell the truth. It's not a time to pull punches. Let the chips fall where they may. You'll be very pleasantly surprised how many are ready to hear your message.
I guarantee it!
Love, Zen
(Hat tip to dear friend and truth warrior John Vodilla who pointed this out in an email... thetruthnews.info)

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