February 20, 2009
Steps to Tyrant Endgame
By Rich McCampbell
"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
– James Paul Warburg [Feb. 1950], son of Federal Reserve founder Paul Moritz Warburg 1
Step 1: 1913, Create Federal Reserve Bank to Control US Economy/Foreign Policy 2
Carried-out by European central bankers and primary architect Paul Moritz Warburg 2
Fed increases money supply with no backing [money out of thin air] 2
Fed money-creation devalues [inflates] existing money supply 2
Since 1913 the Fed has caused 1,000% inflation on US dollar 2
Fed inflation is the hidden tax used to fund 95 years of war profits 2, 3
Step 2: 1970-2000, Create Media Monopoly to Control Opinion/Citizenry 4,5,6
Merge 50 major media companies into 5 during 1970-2000
Switch from investigative reporting to distribution of corporate news [propaganda]
Control all news content at the highest levels
No freepress, no "4th Estate", no informed citizenry: mortal threat to liberty
Critical prerequisite to set-up Step 4 "New Pearl Harbor"
Step 3: 2000, Create Radical Military Plan to Dominate the World
Carried-out by neocon thinktank "Project for a New American Century" [PNAC] 7,8
Publish PNAC radical military plan Sept. 2000 "Rebuilding American's Defenses" 7,8
PNAC plan calls for "full-spectrum dominance" of land, air, sea, space, cyberspace7
PNAC plan targets SE Asia, Iraq, Iran, China and vastly increased military spending
PNAC plan calls for a "New Pearl Harbor" event [9-11-01] to reach goals7
PNAC members Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby join Bush criminal regime 7,8
Step 4: 2001, Create False-flag Attack on US to Control-by-Fear
The New Pearl Harbor event: 9-11-01 attacks carried-out by CIA-Mossad 9,10,11
Use remotely-piloted aircraft hitting WTC towers to shock citizenry 10,11
Plant explosives for WTC tower collapses to shock citizenry 10, 12
Media monopoly uncritically repeats Bush regime hijackers stories
Media monopoly replays WTC collapses for 12 hours to shock citizenry
Implement PNAC plan, blame and attack Muslims and resource-rich Muslim countries
Create fear-climate to allow profitable wars, cut habeas corpus right and other liberties
Use fear-climate to pass laws benefiting banks and large corporations - Critical prerequisite to set-up Step 5 predatory lending/economic collapse
Step 5: 2008-2009, Create Collapse of US/World Economies
Create predatory loans set to fail, pack into junk securities, sell to world
Carried-out by Fed, Wall Street firms, Bush criminal regime 13, 14, 15, 16
Shifts massive amounts of money to criminal scheme organizers 13, 14, 15, 16
March-April 2009, collapse of British £ followed by US $
Creates valueless fiat currencies and economies that are crippled fatally
Creates desperation/riots/armed gangs of starving people 20
Use chaos to justify limited martial law 20
If No Citizen Pushback, Move to Final Step: 2009, Create 2nd False-flag Attack 17, 18
Mossad to bomb Christ's Crucifixion Site23 , likely on Holy Saturday 4-11-09
CIA-Mossad to set-off nuclear bomb in Chicago 24 , likely on Holy Saturday 4-11-09
4-11-09 attacks meant to anger "christians", into dropping nuclear bombs on Iranian families
Blame Muslims in Pakistan and Iran to expand war profits and the fake waronterror
Use as excuse to suspend US Constitution, impose aggressive martial law, police state 19,20
Use martial law to starve the majority of US and world populations 20
If We the People wake-up and stand-up, we will stop this evil, otherwise...
With America on her knees, move into endgame: one world enslavement/dictatorship 21
The tyrants[terrorists]: European central bankers, nobilities, rothschilds, bilderbergs, cfr
Contact for prep. Contact vgmrem [at] with comments.
1. James Paul Warburg, son of Federal Reserve Bank founder Paul Moritz Warburg, speaking before the United States Senate, February 17, 1950,
2. G. Edward Griffin, "The Creature From Jekyll Island - A Second Look at the Federal Reserve" 2002 (Paperback)
3. George F. Smith, "The Story of the Fed Is a Story of a Crime", June 14, 2004,
4. Ben H. Bagdikian, "The New Media Monopoly", 2004 (Paperback)
5. Prof. Robert W. McChesney, "Corporate Media and the Threat to Democracy", 2003, (Paperback). Robert McChesney is a research associate professor, University of Illinois, and author of numerous other books on media. Winner of the Goldsmith Book Prize, 1999. Recipient of the Frank Luther Mott-Kappa Tau Alpha Research award.
6. Prof. Mark Crispin Miller, "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order" , 2004, (Hardcover)
7. Project for a New American Century [PNAC], September 2000, "Rebuilding America's Defenses"
8. Neil Mackay, Glasgow Sunday Herald, "Bush Planned Iraq Regime Change Before Election", September 15, 2002
9., "Italian Says 9/11 Solved", December 24, 2007. This is Francesco Cossiga, Professor of Constitutional Law @ University of Sassari, former President of Italy 1985-1992, speaking to the largest Italian daily newspaper Corriere della Sera.
10. Michael C. Ruppert, "Crossing the Rubicon", 2004, (Paperback)
11. Christopher Bollyn, "9-11, Mossad, the CIA and 'False Flag' Operations" , March 22, 2004,
12. Dr. David Ray Griffin, "The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé" (Paperback), 2008
13. Governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer "Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime: How the Bush Administration Stopped the States From Stepping In to Help Consumers", Thursday, February 14, 2008;
14. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, "Our Collapsing Economy: US's Negative Net Worth at $59.3 Trillion", January 12, 2009, Dr. Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration.
15. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, "Who are the Architects of Economic Collapse?", November 9, 2008, Global Research.CA. Chossudovsky is a Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages
16. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky "The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order", 2003, (Hardcover)
17. Homeland Security "Biden Guarantees Generated, International Crisis Within Six Months", October 21, 2008.
18. FoxNews, "Cheney Warns of New Terrorist Attacks" , Feb.4,2009
19. Retired General Tommy Franks, "Martial Law Will Replace Constitution after Next Terror Attack", Nov. 21, 2003,
20. Harold Williams, "Survive Martial Law", 2007 [Paperback]
21. Kurt Nimmo of InfoWars, "Kissinger Again Shills Obama and the New World Order", January 12, 2008,
22. Captain Eric H. May, of the Lone Star Iconoclast and Major William B. Fox, publisher of, Feb. 2009 "Chicago False Flag?"
23. Mark Glenn,, February 16, 2009 "Menacing Warning from Benjamin Netanyahu: Christ's Crucifixion and Burial Site Will Be Bombed"
24., Feb 11, 2009, "Inside source reveals FEMA & DHS preparing for mass graves and martial law near Chicago".
February 20, 2009
Steps to Tyrant Endgame
By Rich McCampbell
"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."
– James Paul Warburg [Feb. 1950], son of Federal Reserve founder Paul Moritz Warburg 1
Step 1: 1913, Create Federal Reserve Bank to Control US Economy/Foreign Policy 2
Carried-out by European central bankers and primary architect Paul Moritz Warburg 2
Fed increases money supply with no backing [money out of thin air] 2
Fed money-creation devalues [inflates] existing money supply 2
Since 1913 the Fed has caused 1,000% inflation on US dollar 2
Fed inflation is the hidden tax used to fund 95 years of war profits 2, 3
Step 2: 1970-2000, Create Media Monopoly to Control Opinion/Citizenry 4,5,6
Merge 50 major media companies into 5 during 1970-2000
Switch from investigative reporting to distribution of corporate news [propaganda]
Control all news content at the highest levels
No freepress, no "4th Estate", no informed citizenry: mortal threat to liberty
Critical prerequisite to set-up Step 4 "New Pearl Harbor"
Step 3: 2000, Create Radical Military Plan to Dominate the World
Carried-out by neocon thinktank "Project for a New American Century" [PNAC] 7,8
Publish PNAC radical military plan Sept. 2000 "Rebuilding American's Defenses" 7,8
PNAC plan calls for "full-spectrum dominance" of land, air, sea, space, cyberspace7
PNAC plan targets SE Asia, Iraq, Iran, China and vastly increased military spending
PNAC plan calls for a "New Pearl Harbor" event [9-11-01] to reach goals7
PNAC members Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Libby join Bush criminal regime 7,8
Step 4: 2001, Create False-flag Attack on US to Control-by-Fear
The New Pearl Harbor event: 9-11-01 attacks carried-out by CIA-Mossad 9,10,11
Use remotely-piloted aircraft hitting WTC towers to shock citizenry 10,11
Plant explosives for WTC tower collapses to shock citizenry 10, 12
Media monopoly uncritically repeats Bush regime hijackers stories
Media monopoly replays WTC collapses for 12 hours to shock citizenry
Implement PNAC plan, blame and attack Muslims and resource-rich Muslim countries
Create fear-climate to allow profitable wars, cut habeas corpus right and other liberties
Use fear-climate to pass laws benefiting banks and large corporations - Critical prerequisite to set-up Step 5 predatory lending/economic collapse
Step 5: 2008-2009, Create Collapse of US/World Economies
Create predatory loans set to fail, pack into junk securities, sell to world
Carried-out by Fed, Wall Street firms, Bush criminal regime 13, 14, 15, 16
Shifts massive amounts of money to criminal scheme organizers 13, 14, 15, 16
March-April 2009, collapse of British £ followed by US $
Creates valueless fiat currencies and economies that are crippled fatally
Creates desperation/riots/armed gangs of starving people 20
Use chaos to justify limited martial law 20
If No Citizen Pushback, Move to Final Step: 2009, Create 2nd False-flag Attack 17, 18
Mossad to bomb Christ's Crucifixion Site23 , likely on Holy Saturday 4-11-09
CIA-Mossad to set-off nuclear bomb in Chicago 24 , likely on Holy Saturday 4-11-09
4-11-09 attacks meant to anger "christians", into dropping nuclear bombs on Iranian families
Blame Muslims in Pakistan and Iran to expand war profits and the fake waronterror
Use as excuse to suspend US Constitution, impose aggressive martial law, police state 19,20
Use martial law to starve the majority of US and world populations 20
If We the People wake-up and stand-up, we will stop this evil, otherwise...
With America on her knees, move into endgame: one world enslavement/dictatorship 21
The tyrants[terrorists]: European central bankers, nobilities, rothschilds, bilderbergs, cfr
Contact for prep. Contact vgmrem [at] with comments.
1. James Paul Warburg, son of Federal Reserve Bank founder Paul Moritz Warburg, speaking before the United States Senate, February 17, 1950,
2. G. Edward Griffin, "The Creature From Jekyll Island - A Second Look at the Federal Reserve" 2002 (Paperback)
3. George F. Smith, "The Story of the Fed Is a Story of a Crime", June 14, 2004,
4. Ben H. Bagdikian, "The New Media Monopoly", 2004 (Paperback)
5. Prof. Robert W. McChesney, "Corporate Media and the Threat to Democracy", 2003, (Paperback). Robert McChesney is a research associate professor, University of Illinois, and author of numerous other books on media. Winner of the Goldsmith Book Prize, 1999. Recipient of the Frank Luther Mott-Kappa Tau Alpha Research award.
6. Prof. Mark Crispin Miller, "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order" , 2004, (Hardcover)
7. Project for a New American Century [PNAC], September 2000, "Rebuilding America's Defenses"
8. Neil Mackay, Glasgow Sunday Herald, "Bush Planned Iraq Regime Change Before Election", September 15, 2002
9., "Italian Says 9/11 Solved", December 24, 2007. This is Francesco Cossiga, Professor of Constitutional Law @ University of Sassari, former President of Italy 1985-1992, speaking to the largest Italian daily newspaper Corriere della Sera.
10. Michael C. Ruppert, "Crossing the Rubicon", 2004, (Paperback)
11. Christopher Bollyn, "9-11, Mossad, the CIA and 'False Flag' Operations" , March 22, 2004,
12. Dr. David Ray Griffin, "The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Exposé" (Paperback), 2008
13. Governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer "Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime: How the Bush Administration Stopped the States From Stepping In to Help Consumers", Thursday, February 14, 2008;
14. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, "Our Collapsing Economy: US's Negative Net Worth at $59.3 Trillion", January 12, 2009, Dr. Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration.
15. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, "Who are the Architects of Economic Collapse?", November 9, 2008, Global Research.CA. Chossudovsky is a Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which hosts the critically acclaimed website He is a contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica. His writings have been translated into more than 20 languages
16. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky "The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order", 2003, (Hardcover)
17. Homeland Security "Biden Guarantees Generated, International Crisis Within Six Months", October 21, 2008.
18. FoxNews, "Cheney Warns of New Terrorist Attacks" , Feb.4,2009
19. Retired General Tommy Franks, "Martial Law Will Replace Constitution after Next Terror Attack", Nov. 21, 2003,
20. Harold Williams, "Survive Martial Law", 2007 [Paperback]
21. Kurt Nimmo of InfoWars, "Kissinger Again Shills Obama and the New World Order", January 12, 2008,
22. Captain Eric H. May, of the Lone Star Iconoclast and Major William B. Fox, publisher of, Feb. 2009 "Chicago False Flag?"
23. Mark Glenn,, February 16, 2009 "Menacing Warning from Benjamin Netanyahu: Christ's Crucifixion and Burial Site Will Be Bombed"
24., Feb 11, 2009, "Inside source reveals FEMA & DHS preparing for mass graves and martial law near Chicago".
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