Monday, February 23, 2009

SOTT Focus
Cutting through the illusion - The Grand Chessboard

Simon DaviesSOTT.netMon, 23 Feb 2009 13:14 UTC

The US and Israel- the RealityIt may seem blindingly obvious, but I'm going to say it anyway as we often seem to forget, that clear communication is essential to mutual understanding. Without a common understanding of what we say to each other we find ourselves adrift in Babel-land. The risks to us all from a lack of common understanding cannot be overstated. In the midst of the deluge of bailouts, rescues and stimulus packages there is no clear communication as to just why these measures are being taken and how they are meant to improve the lives of ordinary people. It is abundantly clear that this is deliberate. If we, the normal people of the planet, were to gain a common understanding of what is really happening, we would decide that we don't approve, we would agree on exactly why we don't approve and we would likely agree on what we wish to see happen instead. Those that control our world know this so they ensure that no common understanding is reached; they need the confusion. In fact, they create the confusion. They do this because should enough people truly understand the reality of what is happening on this planet a critical mass might be reached such that collectively we decide that we will no longer tolerate the world being the way it is and, more importantly, we would have a common direction to get out of the mess. In order to ensure that we do not develop this common direction the controllers, or as Douglas Reed called them, the Managers, continuously ensure that we are in a state of confusion. The pre-requisite to achieving this confusion is that we be kept in a state of constant mutual fear wherein we see "others" as threatening to us whether to our property, our social status, our position at work, our position in our community, our economic position and even to our very survival. Our societies have been engineered so that the wealthy fear the poor, the middle class fear the unionized workers, one race fears another, one religious creed fears another, and so on and so on almost ad infinitum. We compete rather than cooperate and we fear and hate rather than loving and empathizing. All our religions, all our political parties, all our beliefs have been engineered to keep us in a constant state of fear. Every society reflects in the fear of its people the inequalities and injustice of its social structure and the political and social agendas of its ruling elite. For most people in the so called "free" countries of the western world our fear is typically of each other and of foreigners, whether immigrant or "terrorist", but this has been changing as we have become increasingly aware of the awesome power of the state as it manifests its brutality against our protests, as it whittles away our "freedoms" and commits our nations to criminal and immoral wars and theft. In order to amass greater power for itself the state has manipulated people's fears under the guise of the "war-on-terror", the "war-on-drugs", immigration and economic insecurity. Overlaying the fear is a constant barrage of conflicting information, misinformation and disinformation constructed so as to ensure that no clear picture of reality can be discerned. In a nutshell, the state has used the technique of mass Transmarginal Inhibition to render the bulk of people passive, apathetic, submissive and confused. People who are perpetually confused are impotent and incapable of coherent collective action. The tactic has always been to divide and conquer. There is a struggle taking place which will determine the future of this planet and the people on it. Arrayed against normal people is a pathological system dominated by psychopaths of all races, creeds and colours. These psychopaths have no purpose that normal people can properly comprehend, for their purpose is power; power for its own sake. They seek no strategic political or economic goal, there is no specific land they covet or a level of wealth which they seek, for there is not enough land nor enough wealth to satisfy them. Neither is there a limit to the suffering they will cause for they seem to revel in bloodbaths, in torture and starvation. They seek infinite control, no bargain nor parlay can assuage them, there is no treaty that can halt their rapacious advance nor law that can limit them. All the institutions of our world, our governments, corporations and religions reflect the pathology of the psychopath. We have grown up and bring our children up in a world dominated by this pathology and these beings. Yet the psychopath has a fundamental weakness, like any stalking predator in the wild that depends on concealment to eat: they have an overwhelming fear of exposure. It is this innate fear of exposure that dominates much of what they do and explains the immense fear and confusion that we are kept in. The fear and confusion of the world is the deliberate ploy of the psychopaths to avoid discovery. We cannot fight the psychopaths and the diseased system they have created with weapons of war for they control the greatest war machines the world has ever known; we cannot succeed by any means other than through a simple and all powerful revolution, a revolution of truth. For truth reveals the lie and the psychopath withers in the light of truth. The truth, as famously stated by St Paul, will also set us free. It will set us free from fear and confusion, because the truth has no political, religious or any other affiliation, it stands on it own. But finding the truth is no easy task, for it remains hidden behind veil after veil. Our task therefore is to strip away every veil without pity; especially without pity for ourselves and the warm fuzzy religious and philosophical lies we have used as wool over our eyes. We will discover horrors about the world and about ourselves that will challenge everything we have taken for granted but if we do not have the courage to face these horrors, these truths about ourselves and our world, we will lose, and the world will sink into darkness, a darkness from which it may never recover. Psychopaths have dominated the world for millennia, but now they have the power to destroy this world and no capacity to understand what that really means. As Andrew M. Lobaczewski put it in Political Ponerology, "Germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing." When we strip away the lies, the system we find ourselves captive in does not resemble the world in which we thought we lived. All the boundaries and defining features of the world that we are conditioned to believe in are false illusions simply created as the framework for control. For those who truly run the world there are no boundaries, for them there are no nation states, no laws, no morals; there is just power. Money and the economy are mere tools for the attaining of power so that everything we observe in the field of economics and money is simply part of the perpetual garnering of power. Yet we have to understand that the system, the Matrix, is not something that we will one day suddenly find and be able to point to and say "see, there it is", for it surrounds us; all we see are at best mere reflections of what is happening at levels which we cannot penetrate. With this in mind, let us return to the matter of confusion. It seems to us that the immense confusion surrounding the economic crisis is a key to perceiving the Matrix. It seems to us that those that run the world, the Managers, are relying on this confusion to ensure that we take a particular path which is to their advantage. We think that the path they are sending us down is one of near total economic collapse resulting in the breakdown of the existing social order and the imposition of overt military dictatorship. That is the obvious end result of what they are doing and thus is their intent. This is precisely the scenario envisaged in a monograph from the Strategic Studies Institute in a November 2008 entitled "Known Unknowns: Unconventional 'Strategic Shocks' in Defense Strategy Development," in which it is stated:-
Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security. Deliberate employment of weapons of mass destruction or other catastrophic capabilities, unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters are all paths to disruptive domestic shock. It is also the reason that in the UK the Metropolitan Police have begun a propaganda war against the people of the UK when they had the Guardian newspaper report:-
Superintendent David Hartshorn, who heads the Metropolitan police's public order branch, told the Guardian that middle-class individuals who would never have considered joining demonstrations may now seek to vent their anger through protests this year. He said that banks, particularly those that still pay large bonuses despite receiving billions in taxpayer money, had become "viable targets". So too had the headquarters of multinational companies and other financial institutions in the City which are being blamed for the financial crisis. Hartshorn, who receives regular intelligence briefings on potential causes of civil unrest, said the mood at some demonstrations had changed recently, with activists increasingly "intent on coming on to the streets to create public disorder". The warning comes in the wake of often violent protests against the handling of the economy across Europe. In recent weeks Greek farmers have blocked roads over falling agricultural prices, a million workers in France joined demonstrations to demand greater protection for jobs and wages and Icelandic demonstrators have clashed with police in Reykjavik. In the UK hundreds of oil refinery workers mounted wildcat strikes last month over the use of foreign workers. Intelligence reports suggest that "known activists" are also returning to the streets, and police claim they will foment unrest. "Those people would be good at motivating people, but they haven't had the 'footsoldiers' to actually carry out [protests]," Hartshorn said. "Obviously the downturn in the economy, unemployment, repossessions, changes that. Suddenly there is the opportunity for people to mass protest." It is obvious that in the US and the UK those that control the military, police and intelligence apparatus are seeking widespread conflict. They are simply preparing the popular mind for the violence that they themselves plan to unleash upon us. This violence will be used to justify dictatorship, civil repression, mass arrests and incarceration without trial. Douglas Reed, in From Smoke to Smother (1948) foresaw this exact scenario when he wrote of the World Dictatorship that he saw arising under the guise of the United Nations implemented through 'emergency powers', 'labour direction' and 'bread rationing'. We have the 'emergency powers' in place now: the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act etc in the US, the Terrorism Acts in the UK (to name but a few). Soon we will have 'labour direction' as the economy crumbles in ruins and labouring for the state or via the state for the global corporations will become a necessity in the face of starvation. In due course, with the breakdown in global trade and social structure there will no doubt be 'bread rationing' of some sort. Whether it will truly be rationing or rather the simple expedient of starvation of those that do not bow down before the might of the US and Israeli empire. Yet we now see that the United Nations may have been a foil all along. For 50 years, Christian fundamentalists and conspiracy theorists in the US and elsewhere, have been ranting about the New World Order under the United Nations while the US was portrayed as the bastion of freedom and the only power that can stand against the UN and the World. This has rendered those who see a great deal incapable of seeing where the real danger lies. Even Douglas Reed saw the United Nations as the supra-national body to impose the first World Dictatorship and how wrong was he when one looks at the invasion of Iraq based on wholly imaginary weapons, the bullying of Iran for being in the way of the global hegemony of the US and Israel while the barefaced genocide perpetrated by Israel goes unremarked let alone addressed by an impotent United Nations? So too will we be faced with one or more supra-national bodies based, as the United Nations was, on the justification of "never again". This time the "never again" is economic but will become military on the heels of social unrest and state violence . The same lies will be trotted out to justify these institutions now as in the 1940's and yet again these will be foils behind which the real rulers of the world, the US and Israel, will hide. The Managers have engineered this crisis, its form, scope and magnitude such that there is nothing that our governments could do, within the constraints imposed upon them, even if they had the vision and understanding to comprehend the trap we are all in. The banking crisis has been expertly engineered through the transformation of banking into a high risk greed driven casino supported by the manipulated absence of regulation and excess of money supply. The nature of the banking system is such that it would inevitably lead to the debt driven asset price bubble that has made prisoners of debt out of millions and slaves out of billions. Years of banking merger upon banking merger resulted in a small number of banks coming to dominate the globe with the inevitable result that the very existence of the entire system now rests upon their shoulders. Yet these banks were deliberately allowed to be run in a cavalier and immoral fashion with precious little proper oversight. Similarly, the world has become dominated by a small number of global corporations that control our access to energy, food, and the other essentials, and non-essentials, of life. Our political systems have become hostage to the interests of these banking and corporate empires, our governments so dominated by them that the US government has been referred to as "Government Sachs", a reference to the number of positions in the US government held by Goldman Sachs people. Our national governments are now simply puppets of the banks and corporations that dominate the globe who are in turn the puppets of the hidden Managers, their rule imposed through military might and the police state. This was all a trap, designed to lead to exactly this situation from which there is no apparent escape. Our political leaders, our civil servants, our leading bankers and corporate managers are all the products of a system that has provided them with a framework of reality which is false, limited and engineered such that the psychopathic rise to the top and the non-psychopathic become so hopelessly infected that they might as well be psychopathic. Their beliefs about the world are so diseased that they justify to themselves the rape and destruction of entire peoples and nations and will justify to themselves the repression and destruction of their own people. Yet it is to these people that we are told we must defer in leading us out of the mess that they have created. The vast majority of these people did not consciously create this mess, they simply participated in its creation because that is how they are, it reflects their nature, they can be and could do nothing else. But behind them lie those who are very conscious of the actions they take and who have a very clear and specific agenda. The way these Managers work is simple, they understand the nature of psychopaths, for that is their nature, and the weaknesses of normal people and they play them. They establish environments in which psychopaths will flourish and in which the weaknesses of normal people such as greed and avarice will become dominant. The free market capitalist system is just such an environment; an environment easily manipulated by the Managers to create whatever result they wish. The result they desired and have crystalised is the collapse of the system in exactly the manner we see; the inevitable scrambling by their minions for 'solutions', which are themselves part of the plan, including the setting up of the simultaneous pillaging of national treasuries across the globe in a manner designed to extract maximum wealth, exponentially increase debt and create figures of hatred, in the banks and bankers, for the masses to direct their anger at. Each piece on the chessboard is there for a reason. The political leaders have been chosen for their traits whether it is Obama's apparent charisma in contrast to Bush, Brown's surliness or Sarkozy's limitless arrogance. The banks have been set up to fail and then seek public money to the inevitable disgust and anger of the masses. The war machines have been battle hardened, the military and police personnel conditioned in the "war-on-terror, there's a terrorist in every person" mentality, the people bred fearful and confused. The mass of people have been reduced to an ignorant and confused rabble, easily directed, manipulated into violence or submission exactly as they Managers wish. At no time can the Managers be identified for they are never on the chessboard. For many the idea that our entire world is a giant chessboard is too much. These people fall back on the illusions of the Matrix always seeking a more comfortable, a more reassuring explanation. As Douglas Reed said, "Men are quick to tremble before imaginary dangers and slow to see the real ones". We are being driven towards economic apocalypse, societal collapse and totalitarian dictatorship; it is as simple as that. Denial makes victims, facing reality makes the people of the future.

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