MONDAY, JULY 16, 2012

What is fake?
The mainstream media is in trouble.
1. Citibank has downgraded CBS, Disney, Discovery, Murdoch's News Corp and Scripps from "Buy" to "Neutral"
First Newspapers, Now TV – the Internet Reformation Rolls On - Daily Bell
First Newspapers, Now TV – the Internet Reformation Rolls On - Daily Bell
UK newspaper sales May 2012 - percentage change year on year:
The Independent: -47.60
The Guardian: -18.34

Financial Times: -17.12
Daily Record: -9.65
The Sun: -8.26
The Daily Telegraph: -9.57
The Times: -11.40
Daily Record: -9.65
The Sun: -8.26
The Daily Telegraph: -9.57
The Times: -11.40
3. There has been a ratings collapse in cable TV.
First Newspapers, Now TV – the Internet Reformation Rolls On - Daily Bell
First Newspapers, Now TV – the Internet Reformation Rolls On - Daily Bell
4. Beginning in the 1950s, the CIA and its friends took over the key elements of the mainstream media around the world. (Operation Mockingbird - Spartacus Educational)
The mainstream media was highly successful in persuading people that what happened in Tunisia was not a CIA coup.
False flag.
5. Now the CIA and its friends are busy infiltrating the ALTERNATIVE media, such as blogs.
Watch out for the sources that have told us:
Obama deserves to win in 2008 and he is not an asset of the CIA
The Shah was not toppled by the CIA
Mubarak was not toppled by the CIA
Bread and circuses on the internet
9 11 was not planned by the CIA
The Mumbai attacks had nothing to do with the CIA
The Lockerbie bombing was not planned by the CIA
Hitler was a good man, the Israelis were responsible for the collapse of the Roman Empire, the people who killed the North American Indians were all Jews and there is no connection between fascism and the CIA.
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