Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 23, 2012

Brave New Drones: Don't Dare Look Up, Slave

It's not a bird. It's not a plane. It's not Superman, either. It's a drone.

The troops are not coming home, but the drones are, and criminal government officials couldn't be happier.

On Friday, June 22, Paul Joseph Watson reported:
"The rollout of domestic spy drones to watch the American people is accelerating, with footage taken during a recent Memorial Day event in Miami illustrating how authorities are using surveillance drones to keep tabs on partygoers."
Drones serve many police state purposes such as spying on citizens, killing dissidents, and intimidating crowds at protests. But they can also be used legally in specific and legitimate law and order cases. Police agencies across North America and Europe can find many uses for drones. The technology is too good to pass up. In some situations, it would be a crime not to use them.

Resisting this new technology is impossible and a waste of time. It is here, it is in our faces, and it isn't going away. Civil liberty activists should instead put pressure on governments to use drones lawfully and moderately, and in situations that warrant its use. Spying on citizens, intimidating protesters, and killing dissidents are not proper applications of drones.

So far, we have allowed drones to sneak up under our collective noses. This will prove to be a tragic mistake. We can't let this military-driven technology to become a natural element of public space, dominate our lives, track our movements, and punish us into submission to the police state.

If you love Big Brother you may think differently about drones. But Big Brother is a ruthless killer so arming him with drones is not a smart idea.

In drones, the Western Totalitarian Big Brother State has another weapon to wage its war on freedom, dissent, and democracy. Our resistance should be directed not against this new weapon, but against the war on freedom and against totalitarianism.

Our collective enemy is tyranny, not technology. Weaponized drones are a problem, but I'm more worried about the human drones who still believe in the official fairy tale version of the false flag 9/11 events. They freak me out more than the drones in the sky.

Judge Napolitano On Spy Drones 

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