Friday, March 18, 2011

Japanese Nuclear Disaster Being Used To Justify The Elimination Of Nuclear Power To Ensure Supremacy Of Space Based Weapons


By Lee Rogers

The amount of fear mongering being spread by both the corporate controlled and alternative media surrounding the nuclear disaster over in Japan is reaching circus like levels. Although there is a great deal of confusion surrounding the actual danger the damaged nuclear reactors represent, there is no question that this event is already being used to demonize nuclear power and label any nation seeking to expand their nuclear programs as a threat to the environment and humanity. For quite some time now, there have been initatives to reduce both the world's use of nuclear power and reduce large stockpiles of nuclear weapons that built during the Cold War. The Japanese nuclear disaster now provides the perfect excuse to further justify this agenda. The reason why the global elite want to scale back nuclear power is because any nation with the ability to use nuclear power has the means to be independent. Nations with nuclear weapons also represent a threat to the open rule of a global government superstate which has been and still is the overall agenda that we see unfolding before us today. The fewer nation states with the ability to use nuclear energy and/or deploy nuclear weapons, the easier it will be for the globalists to bring the world under the dominion of space based weapons.

It is a little known fact that the U.S. government has publically maintained a military space program under the guise of both U.S. Space Command and now U.S. Strategic Command since the 1980s. The Obama administration has even said months ago that they were looking at ways to merge NASA which is the public face of the space program with the military space program. There is no doubt that this is a consolidation push and coupled with the fact that we now see more private corporations getting involved in the business of space, there is an even greater desire for the globalists to really push ahead with the militarization of space. Space based weapons have been in development dating back to the 1960s and argued by some even earlier by both the Soviet Union and the United States. These types of weapon systems were given the most media attention in the 1980s during the Reagan administration with the Strategic Defense Initative. However, much of the U.S. military space program is classified and considering the many secretive tests conducted at facilities like Nevada's Area 51, it is difficult to know how advanced some of these spaced based weapon systems really are. What we do know however is that the technology that is being developed right now is many decades ahead of what is known to the public. Proof of this can be seen with technologies like the Internet which was originally developed back in the 1960s by DARPA the U.S. government's organization dedicated to defense research and development. First known as ArpaNet, the Internet only gained widespread public use starting in the 1990s through analog dial-up services like Compuserve and America Online. This is despite the fact that this technology was available to the U.S. government decades prior.

As we move further into the 21st century the use of space based weapons will undoubtedly be a major tool in the pocket of the global elite to maintain their New World Order. If a country gets out of line with the overall agenda, all they'll need to do is deploy weaponry from space which will be able to strike any geographic location on the planet and wipeout that nation's critical infrastructure. One form of spaced based weaponry that could potentially perform this function is called kinetic bombardment. It has been more specifically described as "rods from god" by science fiction writers and "hypervelocity rod bundles" by the U.S. Airforce. This type of weaponry was originally conceived during the Cold War and is just one of many types of space based weapons that have either already been developed or are currently under development. Unfortunately due to the classified nature of these programs, we really can only speculate as to how advanced these programs are but it is a fact that weapon systems like the aforementioned "rods from god" have been publically discussed by official sources. Even high level officials in the Russian military have expressed concerns about how they are falling behind the U.S. in the space based weapons race. They are right to be concerned because it is a fact that whoever maintains supremacy in space will maintain supremacy on the Earth. This is why advancements in space based weapons are critical to the New World Order agenda and why so many in the elite power structure are paying close attention to their development.

So while the media spreads fear about the dangers of nuclear energy, the globalists are moving ahead with the development of space based weapons under a great deal of secrecy and stealth. This Japanese nuclear disaster is already spawning all sorts of comments from government officials expressing the belief that action needs to be taken to eliminate nuclear power plants. Even the German Chancellor Angela Merkel has recently announced that she would be closing several nuclear power plants in her country.

Keep in mind that this has nothing to do with protecting people or the environment. This only has to do with providing greater centralized control to a fewer amount of people. Nuclear power represents the ability of a nation to be much more independent of the globalist power structure which is why they will use this nuclear accident in Japan to spread propaganda against those nations that try to advance their nuclear programs. Iran will likely be a primary target of the propaganda but it is obviously to early to make any sort of predictions as to how all of this will play out. The bottom line is that it is in the globalists interests to phase out nuclear power and various stockpiles of nuclear weapons because the fewer nations that have these capabilities the easier it will be for them to establish their domination over the planet using powerful space based weapon systems. Although the pros and cons of nuclear energy can be debated, it is sad that there will be many who will beg politicians to eliminate the use of nuclear energy without really knowing the full extent of the overall agenda.

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