Thursday, February 3, 2011

February 2, 2011 -- Obama showing his CIA roots in bid to save Mubarak regime

publication date: Feb 2, 2011 
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February 2, 2011 -- Obama showing his CIA roots in bid to save Mubarak regime
President Obama's sudden dispatch of former Republican-appointed U.S. ambassador to Egypt and India Frank Wisner, Jr. clearly represents additional proof that Obama is a true-to-life "Manchurian candidate." In the case of Obama, he is actually the "McLean candidate," a reference to the community, the outskirts of which include the CIA's headquarters.
Obama and his administration, which seems more interested in following the diktats of the Israelis and their mouthy lobby in the United States, has shown itself to be tone deaf to the feelings on the Arab street. The State Department, which is the greatest font of status quo enthusiasts in the world, was caught with their pants down after it became apparent that Egypt's transition from its 30-year plus dictator, Hosni Mubarak, would not be a "soft landing" transition and that the Soros-themed "Lotus Revolution" was, in fact, a mass popular rebellion over which the United States could exercise no influence.
Just as with Tunisia's "Jasmine Revolution," there is now a fear within the power structures of the Pentagon, CIA, and Israel Lobby that the presence of the Ennadha and Muslim Brotherhood as influential members of the reform coalitions in Tunisia and Egypt, respectively, pose some kind of threat to Israel and American military interests in the region.
With Mubarak on the ropes, a series of events began to unfold . The agents of status quo in Washington and Jerusalem began to paint the picture of Egypt as another "Iran" and that the post-Mubarak government of Egypt would scrap the Israeli-Egyptian peace accord hammered out by President Jimmy Carter. After Carter publicly stated that it was time for Mubarak to step down and Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan -- no friend of Israel -- made a similar call, the cabalistic gnomes of Washington and Jerusalem began to alter their incantations. The Lotus and Jasmine Revolutions, crafted at low levels by the typical infusions of cash and other assets from George Soros's Open Society Institute, the neocon Freedom House, the CIA-linked US Agency for International Development (USAID), and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), had backfired and the situation was getting out of their control. There was a realization that real democracy in Egypt and Tunisia, as well as other Arab nations where the streets were stirring, was a bad thing for the likes of Soros, Obama, and Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
Something had to be done and done fast, especially as millions of Egyptian demonstrators poured into the streets of Cairo, Alexandria, and other cities. First, Mubarak could not step down right away -- he had to remain until a scheduled election in September. Second, Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman, who cooperated with the CIA in its rendition and torture programs and with the Mossad and Israel Defense Force in their brutal actions against Gaza, was appointed Vice President, Egypt's first in 30 years. Suleiman would martial the police and paramilitary forces to crack the spine of the opposition. Third, propagandists for Israel and the globalization crowd, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and even Obama called for "stability" and an "orderly" transition of power in Egypt. Obama was telling Mubarak not to run for re-election at the same time almost two million people on the streets of Cairo were demanding Mubarak's immediate resignation. The corporate media broadcast the "stability and order" desires of Clinton, Blair, Obama, and other meaningless officials like the European Union's foreign minister, Baroness Ashton to Egypt and the rest of the Arab world. It was merely a ridiculous attempt to placate Egypt's masses while buying time for Mubarak and his regime. And it did not work.
Those three courses of action undertaken, a fourth, more sinister plan unfolded. Obama sent Ronald Reagan's and George HW Bush's ambassador to Egypt, Frank Wisner, Jr., to Egypt as a special envoy to talk to Mubarak, Wisner's close friend. However, Wisner has, like his father, a long history with the CIA and coups and suppression of popular revolts. Wisner's presence was merely an attempt by Obama to reassure Mubarak that the United States and Israel would throw their full intelligence and covert military weight behind Mubarak and Suleiman to preserve the regime until a government, suitable to Washington and Jerusalem, could be identified and installed in Cairo as a "reform" government.
After buying time for Mubarak, his regime has organized gangs of thugs, many of them security police, to attack the protesters on the streets, including those in Tahrir Square in Cairo. The scenes of violence against anti-Mubarak demonstrators is a psychological warfare operation meant to scare the people off the streets. Many of Egypt's security forces have received psy-ops training in the United States, including at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The United States and other western nations are now merely offering platitudes about the need for a "start" of transition talks but, secretly, are involved in a "Kabuki" theater dance with Mubarak and his regime's officials.
Wisner, a recent chairman of the CIA-linked American International Group (AIG) and a former board member of similarly-CIA linked Enron and Kroll Associates, as well as a current director of the British intelligence firm Hakluyt & Company, which may be in possession of Obama's employment records from CIA front company, New York-based Business International Corporation, which was sold to the Economist Intelligence Unit in London in 1986, is a major behind-the-scenes player in America's "shadow government" -- the real power behind U.S. leaders like Obama, Biden, Clinton, and others.
Wisner also carried the water for Israel to Egypt. Wisner is married to Christine de Ganay, the former wife of Pal Sarkozy, the father of French President Nicolas Sarkozy. President Sarkozy has been investigated by French security services for being an agent for the Mossad and under his regime, French foreign policy has been dictated by Israeli and French Jewish business interests.
Wisner also served as Tunisian Affairs director at the State Department, likely CIA station chief at the U.S. embassy in Bangladesh in the post-independence years -- independence opposed by then Nixon national security adviser and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger -- and U.S. ambassador to Zambia, post-Marcos Philippines, Condoleezza Rice's special envoy to Kosovo independence talks, and, more importantly, as Bill Clinton's ambassador to India, where he laid the groundwork for Enron's entree into the Indian energy business. Wisner was handsomely rewarded for his work by Enron chairman Kenneth Lay, who appointed Wisner to the Enron board. Apparently, all of Wisner's dubious past activities and links is perfectly fine for Obama.
WMR reported on the Wisner-Enron connection on December 16, 2009: "Frank Wisner, who served on Enron’s board, used his links with the CIA station chief in New Delhi (while he was ambassador to India in the mid-1990s) to secure Enron's acquisition of the Dabhol power plant. Wisner assured that Enron would be guaranteed $30 billion in revenue from the government of Maharashtra state, with about half of that net profit. During his stint as the U.S. ambassador to the Philippines from 1991-1992, Wisner clinched Enron the contract to manage two Subic Bay power plants. Wisner's father was a CIA agent who committed suicide in 1965 after a career that included assisting the overthrow of democratically elected governments in Iran and Guatemala. Another Enron director was Henry 'Pug' Winokur, who, from 1988-1997 was Chairman ofDyncorp, a favorite CIA 'carve out' contractor in Latin America, the Balkans, and Africa. Ken Lay, himself, had ties to the intelligence community when he worked in the Pentagon during the Vietnam War."
Wisner's father, Frankn Wisner, Sr., was director of plans for the CIA in the 1950s. During World War II, Wisner served as chief of liaison between the Office of Strategic Services, the forerunner of the CIA, and the German Gehlen Organization, a group of German intelligence agents who began working for the United States against America's wartime ally, the Soviet Union. In the post-war years, Wisner established Operation Mockingbird, which sought to influence the media in the United States and abroad. Wisner's program was put to use in reporting on events in Iran, where the CIA overthrew the democratically-elected government of Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadeq in 1952 in Operation Ajax and installed the Shah, and Guatemala, where populist President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman was ousted by the CIA in Operation PBSUCCESS in 1954. Wisner, Sr. reportedly committed suicide with a shotgun in 1965.
It was the senior Wisner who established the CIA's long-standing links within the newsrooms ofThe New York TimesWashington PostNewsweek, CBS, as well as government-funded broadcasters like Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and foreign newspapers such as the Bangkok Post and Manila Times, as as reported by The Washington Post, the domestic tabloid, theNational Enquirer, whose publisher, Gene Pope, was a CIA veteran and an integral part of Mockingbird. 
The vestiges of Mockingbird are now ensuring skewed coverage of events in Egypt in order to buy time for Mubarak and the new cast of characters the United States and Israel are pre-selecting to comprise the "reform" government in Cairo. President Obama's special envoy to Russia, Henry Kissinger, was rolled out to proclaim that Mubarak had "months" left in office and the transition to a more democratic government would be a "long process." Kissinger's statement reflected a subtle shift from Vice President Joseph Biden's previous strong support for Mubarak. Biden refused to call Mubarak a dictator.
Obama clearly demonstrates by his words and actions that he defers in making decision on foreign policy to the same "shadow government" of CIA officials, globalists, and disaster capitalists who have, in tandem, called the shots on U.S. policy for the decades during and following the Cold War.
While millions of Egyptians were in the streets demanding that Mubarak leave office immediately, along with his regime, President Obama in Washington called on Mubarak not to run for re-election, in September, a full eight months away! Perhaps Mr. Obama should now follow his own advice as his Cairo and Istanbul speeches on outreach to the Muslim world have been proven to be bloviating claptrap not worth the teleprompter they were scrolled on.

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