Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sanctions Now!

The Time Has Come For The International Community To Put Sanctions on Israel, The United States, And England

Sanctions: They Worked Against Saddam. Why Not Against The Tyrants in Israel And America?

I don't believe in sanctions. Hell, I don't even believe in the United Nations because it is a fraud and a lie. As Dr. Paul says, the world needs trade and friendship among all nations, not sanctions, economic siege, and endless war. The former is the path to world peace, while the latter leads to universal hell.

But since the mass murdering scam artists in Tel Aviv, Washington, and London throw around the word "sanctions" a lot, let's flip the narrative and attack them with the same international political infrastructure and rhetoric that they hide their crimes behind.

The evil Globalist and Zionist forces that have captured the governments of Israel, America, England, and other Western countries do not act in the best interests of their people and the international community. War criminals have no right to impose sanctions on any country.

These fascist and totalitarian forces represent the greatest threat to world peace and international security since Nazi Germany. Their wars of aggression since the false flag 9/11 attacks have caused the deaths of millions of innocent people. They have also created an era of global instability, international anarchy, and strategic emergency according to historian and author Webster Tarpley.

Many U.S., Israeli, and British government officials, including the highest leaders and their corpo-fascist paymasters in the shadow financial world, have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity. They must all face trial in an international court for mass murder, genocide, wars of aggression, torture, illegal imprisonment, psychological warfare, and state terrorism. If convicted, and all the evidence shows they will be, they will all face long jail sentences and the death penalty.

Bringing these planetary terrorists and war criminals to justice is the only way the world can move beyond this dark era of terror and apocalyptic violence. The United Nations must act, at least rhetorically, against these war criminals who hijacked Israel, America, and the West and then suckered punch the world on September 11, 2001.

There is no time to waste anymore. The illegal invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya have left hundreds of thousands of innocent people dead, wounded, and displaced, and led to the destruction of basic services and basic necessities of life. These planetary terrorists have now invaded Syria in order to overthrow another government in violation of international law.

Human rights activists, peace groups, and other politically conscious organizations interested in global dialogue and human harmony must demand a "No Lie Zone" over the skies of Washington, Tel Aviv, and London.

Once this "No Lie Zone" is put into effect by the will of the international community, U.S., Israeli, and British politicians who violate it will have their bank accounts in the Cayman islands frozen and their illegally acquired assets seized.

Their money will go to the victims of 9/11, 7/7, and the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Israel, and Iran. It will be a great humanitarian gesture and a symbolic act that will let the citizens of the world know that the real bad guys behind 9/11 and global terrorism have been defeated.

If the world fails to act against the war criminals and planetary terrorists in Washington, Tel Aviv, and London, then they will bring the planet and its people to the tipping point of nuclear armageddon and genocidal warfare.

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